2017年6月29日 星期四

President Trump’s Washington is paralysed. Tillerson, Trump’s Forgotten Man, Throws an Epic Hissy Fit. Donald Trump Will Go Down in History As the Troll-in-Chief

Donald Trump promised to bring the country together, and he’s finally accomplished it.

People from across the political spectrum were unified in their…

Meet Rex Tillerson, Secretary of I Just Can't Anymore.

The taciturn secretary of state has apparently reached a breaking point.

Donald Trump was elected to shake Washington out of its paralysis. But he is only adding to America's problems

A country divided against itself

2017年6月28日 星期三

The big squeeze: Selected major US technology

The big squeeze: Selected major US technology
Shinjou Fang
經濟學人報這期有一篇文章在談Cisco,其中有一個圖表把過去 17 年幾家主要科技公司的市值比率列出來。大家可以看到,在短短十多年裡,原來最大咖的微軟、Cisco、IBM都少掉一半以上,Sun Micro甚至不見了。而現在的大咖,像 Apple、Alphabet、Amazon、Facebook,........

2017年6月27日 星期二

The New York Times printed every lie Donald Trump has told since taking office

This weekend, The New York Times printed every lie Donald Trump has told since taking office. The effort deserves the Pulitzer Prize for Public Service, Bill Moyers says.

2017年6月22日 星期四

Obama Slams Republicans"The Senate bill, unveiled today, is not a health care bill. It’s a massive transfer of wealth from middle-class and poor families to the richest people in America."

Robert Reich
The Senate version of the repeal (and "replacement") of the Affordable Care Act -- which Mitch McConnell is now sharing with Senate Republicans -- eliminates just about all of its extra taxes on the rich by deeply cutting Medicaid and reducing subsidies to the poor. But McConnell figures he can keep moderate Republicans in the fold (he needs almost all their votes) by delaying these provisions and allowing states to reduce insurance coverage.
The plan:
1. Basically retains Obamacare's insurance subsidies. But starting in 2020 this assistance wouldn't be available for most of the working-class who now receive them, nor for anyone ineligible for Medicaid. See #2.
2. Cuts Medicaid more deeply than the House version by giving states an amount per person that grows more slowly than the growth in healthcare costs. This provision won't kick in for 7 years, well past senators' next reelection battles.
3. Ends the Affordable Care Act's Medicaid expansion in 5 years -- gradually reducing the extra federal payments starting in 2021.
4. Continues to protect patients with preexisting conditions, but allows states to reduce insurance coverage to everyone, including people with preexisting conditions.
In other words, all cuts are made through the back door of delays and state waivers. It only looks like a kinder, gentler version of the House repeal of the Affordable Care Act -- but 7 to 10 years from now its result would be even crueler.

Vanity Fair
"The Senate bill, unveiled today, is not a health care bill. It’s a massive transfer of wealth from middle-class and poor families to the richest people in America."

The former president breaks his silence.

2017年6月18日 星期日

Why Time Is Already Running Out For Trump And His Congress


Why Time Is Already Running Out For Trump And His Congress

Will they get their to-do list done? Capitol Hill's calendar is filled with recesses and holidays — and September is devoted to spending bills that keep the government up and running.

2017年6月14日 星期三


〈老薑雷根〉1985.1.25 這篇用力之勤,令人佩服:就職日是1月20,張繼高先生翻譯21日的《紐約時報》社論《雷根和專家們》數段,真不知道那兒的空運報紙,還是報社有電傳設備?

2017年6月12日 星期一

Revised Trump Travel Ban Suffers Another Legal Setback

Revised Trump Travel Ban Suffers Another Legal Setback

  • A ruling by a federal appeals court was the latest in a string of decisions rejecting President Trump’s efforts to limit travel from several predominantly Muslim countries.
  • The administration has already sought a Supreme Court review of a similar decision issued last month.

Austin’s Housing Boom Makes Way for Quirkier Home Styles

Austin’s Housing Boom Makes Way for Quirkier Home Styles

The rapid rate of luxury-home construction and changing tastes have some people in Austin, Texas, worried that the city will lose its historic identity.

2017年6月11日 星期日

Trump 濟私;中傷 James Comey

Robert Reich 和 Washington Post 都分享了 1 條連結
The president used Twitter to lash out at James Comey, Democrats and the media.
  • Trump again took aim at former FBI director James B. Comey this morning, tweeting that Comey might have secretly released even more information than he has already admitted to doing. “I believe the James Comey leaks will be far more prevalent than anyone ever thought possible. Totally illegal? Very 'cowardly!'"
    Here's the truth:
    1. Comey didn’t “leak” anything. Comey’s memorandum of his conversation with Trump – which he then gave to a friend -- was his own. It was not a public document. It’s not possible to “leak” your own notes.
    2. Comey did nothing illegal. His memorandum did not contain classified information. It's not illegal to share with the public personal conversations one has with a president.
    3. This entire Trump (and right-wing) spin is a blatant effort to divert attention from the evidence Comey gave of Trump’s efforts to stop an investigation into the possible roles of Trump aides in colluding with Russian operatives in interfering in the 2016 election. Obstruction of justice is illegal, and is grounds for impeachment.
    4. Tragically, we have a president who cares more about protecting himself than about protecting America from Russian meddling in our elections.
    What do you think?

The first dance.
The toasts.
The cake-cutting.
The… surprise appearance by the president of the United States?
He reportedly crashed two events just this weekend.



由司法部設立的特別檢察官--前聯邦調查局局長米勒(Robert Mueller)進行的調查被視為最為重要。這是並不是純粹的政治調查,而是唯一的刑事調查。此外,米勒也被看作是獨立的不受外來因素影響的調查人員,可以進行單獨的調查工作。其它的調查工作則在美國國會議員領導下進行,這其中還牽涉到其它一些相關義務,因為兩院均在川普所屬的共和黨的控制之下。而特別檢察官米勒與其調查小組,可以不受任何影響地將調查的注意力集中在川普與俄羅斯的關係上。

特別檢察官--前聯邦調查局局長米勒(Robert Mueller)
對科米問詢聽證的參議院情報委員會,由共和黨人理查德‧布爾(Richard Burr)和民主黨人馬克‧瓦莫爾(Mark Warner)領導,對川普進行調查。在選戰期間曾支持川普的布爾在科米被解職之後,主動拉開了與川普的距離。早在去年,這位來自北卡萊羅納州的議員就宣佈,2022年將不會尋求連任,而這也會減輕他在調查工作中面臨的政治壓力。與國會的其它機構相比,參議院情報委員會和眾議院情報委員會擁有更多的權限和渠道獲取相關訊息。

與參議院情報委員會不同的是,眾議院情報委員會的調查工作進展並不順利。共和黨人努納斯(Devin Nunes)雖然還是該委員會的主席,但是不能領導對川普的調查,因為該委員會目前正受到指責,稱其洩露了相關秘密訊息。針對川普的調查工作現在由共和黨人康納維(Conaway)和民主黨人席夫(Adam Schiff)領導。
美國眾議院監察委員會也加入了調查川普與俄羅斯關係的行列,該委員會主席共和黨人查弗茨(Jason Chaffetz)五月曾表示,六月底他將從國會辭職。查弗茨曾被指責領導調查工作不力。有報導,在今年一月的一次會議當中受到諸多憤怒質疑,要求他把自己的工作做好。接下來的調查工作由一位目前並不知名的共和黨人和民主黨人庫明斯領導(Elijah Cummings)。

參議院司法委員會以及其下屬的反恐怖主義和犯罪委員會,也參與了對川普親俄嫌疑和俄羅斯在美國大選期間可能施加影響的調查。相關調查工作由司法委員會主席共和黨人格拉斯雷(Chuck Grassley)和民主黨人凡斯泰因(Dianne Feinstein)領導,同時還有下屬委員會的主席格拉哈姆(Lindsey Graham )和民主黨人維特豪斯(Sheldon Whitehouse)。司法委員會因不久前亞特斯(Sally Yates)的證詞而受到公眾的關注。亞特斯曾任美國聯邦檢察院副檢察長,因拒絕執行川普針對七個穆斯林國家公民的入境美國計劃而被其解職。

Why Everyone in the West Wing Will Need to Lawyer Up

A massive amount of wealth is about to be transferred to a certain quadrant of the D.C. bar.

The very high cost of operating in a White House under investigation.

2017年6月8日 星期四

康梅 Comey作證控 川普政府說謊;科米 Comey 聽證會後,川普烏雲壓頂 James Comey





康梅作證控 川普政府說謊
留談話紀錄自保 刻意放給媒體 啟動司法調查

康梅(James Comey)昨在參議院情報委員會聽證會作證時,談到川普(Donald Trump)政府在他被開除後稱FBI混亂、對領導者缺乏信心的言論,「那是謊言,就這麼簡單,政府詆毀我和FBI。」這場被稱為「世紀聽證會」吸引眾多媒體搶位,開放給民眾旁聽的座位,早在清晨5時就已形成排隊人龍。 




2月14日康梅赴白宮參加反恐簡報,川普要康梅會後單獨留下,談論身陷「通俄」醜聞、剛去職的國家安全顧問弗林(Michael Flynn),川普說弗林「是個好人,我希望你讓這件事過去。」意指FBI對弗林的調查,康梅回答:「我同意弗林是個好人。」這也是法律專家最關注的一次會面,川普的言論可能干預調查,涉妨害司法,此為聯邦罪行,足以構成彈劾理由。



