2017年9月28日 星期四

華盛頓郵報2019.9.29 的頭條 (部分)

華盛頓郵報2019.9.29 的頭條 (部分)
Congressional investigators are pressing Tom Price, the secretary of health and human services, and other Cabinet members to disclose how much they have relied on military and private aircraft. Price is expected to write a check for nearly $52,000, which appears to cover the cost of his seat on his charter flights but not those of his staff.
Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke chartered a flight from Las Vegas to near his home in Montana this summer aboard a plane owned by oil-and-gas executives, internal documents show. The flight cost taxpayers $12,375, according to a department spokeswoman. 
The company told members of Congress it has shut down the accounts and that it found three accounts from the news site RT, which it linked to the Kremlin, that purchased ads on the platform. Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) called Twitter’s presentation “deeply disappointing” and “inadequate.”

2017年9月26日 星期二

Fate Uncertain for Bipartisan Bills to Protect Mueller; Mueller Sets Tone; 「通俄門」:川普得交出更多文件 Mueller teams up with New York attorney general in Manafort probe

Fate Uncertain for Bipartisan Bills to Protect Mueller

Although most Senate Judiciary Committee members appear to support legislation to shield the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, from being fired, the path forward for the measures was not clear.

Paul Manafort Expects to Be Indicted, Roger Stone Says



華盛頓——據白宮官員稱,特別檢察官羅伯特·S·穆勒三世(Robert S. Mueller III)要求白宮提供川普上台後最受關注的一些行動有關的文件,包括解僱國家安全顧問和聯邦調查局(FBI)局長相關資料。

穆勒對川普同俄羅斯官員在橢圓形辦公室(Oval Office)舉行的會面也很感興趣。在那次會議上,川普稱解僱FBI局長緩解了他身上的「巨大壓力」。



其中一個要求是關於5月川普在FBI局長詹姆斯·B·科米(James B. Comey)被解職後的第二天,在橢圓形辦公室同俄羅斯外長謝爾蓋·V·拉夫羅夫(Sergey V. Lavrov)、時任俄駐美大使謝爾蓋·I·基斯利亞克(Sergey I. Kislyak)及其他俄羅斯官員舉行的會面的。《紐約時報》報導稱,在那次會議上,川普說,解僱科米緩解了他身上的「巨大壓力」。

穆勒還要求提供與解僱川普的第一任國家安全顧問邁克爾·弗林(Michael Flynn)有關的文件。此外,特別檢察官還要求提供有關白宮是如何回覆時報對2016年6月在川普大廈召開的一次會面的提問的文件。那次會面是川普的長子小唐納德·川普(Donald Trump Jr.)為了從俄方獲取希拉蕊·柯林頓(Hillary Clinton)的黑材料而安排的。

7月,當時報就那次會面向白宮提問時,川普和聯邦政府高級官員在空軍一號(Air Force One)上準備了一份答覆。答覆沒有提及那次會議的真實意圖,稱會議的主要內容關於俄羅斯的收養問題。穆勒要求提供所有和那次會面有關的文件,以及所有和在空軍一號上起草的那份聲明有關的白宮內部聯絡信息。

川普請來為特別檢察官和國會提供與通俄調查有關材料的律師泰·柯布(Ty Cobb)對穆勒的辦公室表示,他將於本週移交很多文件。



穆勒還要求提供和很多前競選官員,包括現正接受聯邦調查的前競選主席保羅·J·馬納福特(Paul J. Manafort)有關的所有白宮內部聯絡信息。這個要求還涉及川普競選團隊的外交政策團隊:卡特·佩奇(Carter Page)、J·D·戈登(J. D. Gordon)、基思·凱洛格(Keith Kellogg)、喬治·帕帕佐普洛斯(George Papadopoulos)、瓦利德·法勒斯(Walid Phares)和約瑟夫·E·施密茨(Joseph E. Schmitz)。

在穆勒的文件出示要求涉及的13個人中,4人和弗林有關。今年2月,在被曝出去年12月與時任俄駐美大使基斯利亞克通電話一事上誤導副總統邁克·彭斯(Mike Pence)後,這位退役中將被解僱。





特別檢察官要求提供有關前白宮發言人肖恩·斯派塞(Sean Spicer)在科米被解僱前一週發表的那份聲明相關的文件。



Matt Apuzzo自華盛頓、Maggie Haberman自紐約對本文有報導貢獻。



(德國之聲中文網)美國特別檢察官穆勒(Robert Mueller)負責調查關於俄羅斯對美國總統選舉可能施加過影響、川普的競選團隊與俄方可能有過協調的指控。他尤其對導致川普總統解除其首位國家安全顧問弗林( Michael Flynn)和聯邦調查局(FBI)局長科米(James Comey)職務的相關背景感興趣。
穆勒總共要求提供涉及13個領域的相關材料,其中也包括總統的兒子小唐納德(Donald Trump Jr.)2016年6月與一位俄羅斯律師的會晤。當時這位俄羅斯女律師自稱,能拿出不利於川普的競爭對手-民主黨人希拉里‧克林頓的材料。

Mueller Sets Tone With Shock-and-Awe Approach to Inquiry

Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel, has aggressively used warrants and subpoenas for the Russia investigation, sending a message in Washington.




Paul Manafort's central role in the Trump-Russia investigation, explained
Vox · 19 hours ago

Report: Manafort notes from Russia meeting referenced 'donations'
Axios · 17 hours ago

More for Paul Manafort

Paul Manafort - Wikipedia

Paul John Manafort Jr. (born April 1, 1949) is an American lawyer, lobbyist and political consultant. He served as campaign manager for the presidential ...

Robert Reich
New York’s attorney general Eric Schneiderman is now working with special counsel Robert S. Mueller in the probe of financial transactions involving Paul Manafort.

This sends an important message to Trump: Trump can’t give Manafort an “advance” pardon in order to reduce Mueller’s ability get Manafort to squeal on Trump. A president’s pardon power doesn’t extend to state crimes, but only to offenses against the United States (Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution).


What do you think?

Mueller teams up with New York attorney general in Manafort probe

The cooperation is the latest sign that the investigation into Trump's former…


2017年9月24日 星期日

Steve Kerr to President Trump: Don’t divide us

評論:Trump 總統以"樹敵"、"分化"等界定自己。多番與運動員等過意不去。

// 美國總統特朗普在上週末接連向NFL和NBA發難,對拒絕在奏國歌時起立的球員,呼籲他們的老闆將其解僱,更爆粗咒駡一年前拒絕起立的黑人球員為「婊子養的」(son of a bitch),其言論又招致種族歧視的指責,球壇一片嘩然,而近日的球賽,越來越多球員拒絕在奏國歌時肅立。 //

【NBA】美國總統川普這周末『收回』了對NBA總冠軍勇士隊的邀請,總教練 Steve Kerr 今天也正式發出回應:


N.F.L. Players and Owners Unite in Face of Trump Tweets

  • N.F.L. team owners and players responded after President Trump doubled down on his criticism of players who take a knee during the national anthem.
  • In a show of defiance at Sunday’s games, many players knelt, while others opted to stand and lock arms. Get live updates here.

From Steve Kerr, coach of the Warriors. I wanted you to have it in its entirety.
We knew it was coming.
After Steph spoke up at media day on Friday, we figured it was just a matter of time until the president responded. Then on Saturday morning my wife, Margot, woke me up. “Here it is,” she said, and showed me Trump’s tweet. Our invitation, he wrote, “has been withdrawn” because, “going to the White House is considered a great honor for a championship team” and, “Stephen Curry is hesitating.”
First off, I’m pretty sure Steph wasn’t “hesitating”. He made it clear he wouldn’t go. Second, as I joked to the media Saturday, it was like the president was trying to break up with us before we broke up with him.
Regardless, it’s a shame. I’ve been fortunate enough to meet President Reagan, both Bushes, Clinton, and Obama. I didn’t agree with all of them, but it was easy to set politics aside because each possessed an inherent respect for the office, as well as the humility that comes with being a public servant in an incredible position of power, representing 300 million people. And that’s the problem now. In his tweet to Steph, Trump talked about honoring the White House but, really, isn’t it you who must honor the White House, Mr. President? And the way to do that is through compassion and dignity and being above the fray. Not causing the fray.
Would we have gone? Probably not. The truth is we all struggled with the idea of spending time with a man who has offended us with his words and actions time and again. But I can tell you one thing: it wouldn’t have been for the traditional ceremony, to shake hands and smile for cameras. Internally, we’d discussed whether it’d be possible to just go and meet as private citizens and have a serious, poignant discussion about some of the issues we’re concerned about. But he’s made it hard for any of us to actually enter the White House, because what’s going on is not normal. It’s childish stuff: belittling people and calling them names. So to expect to go in and have a civil, serious discourse? Yeah, that’s probably not going to happen.
Look, I’m a basketball coach and what I do obviously pales in comparison to what the president does. But our jobs are similar in at least one respect: If you want to be an NBA coach, you need to be prepared to be criticized. You kind of know that going in. If I coach poorly and we lose the game, I hear about it. That’s okay. It’s really where we coaches earn our money, accepting and dealing with criticism and keeping the ship moving forward. There has to be an inherent understanding when you enter into any public position of power that this is what happens. People are going to take shots at you and it’s incumbent upon you to absorb those shots. Maybe you respond diplomatically, but you maintain a level of respect and dignity. What you can’t do is just angrily lash out. Can you imagine if I lashed out at all my critics every day and belittled them? I’d lose my players, I’d embarrass ownership, I’d embarrass myself. Pretty soon I’d be out of a job. It’s a basic adult thing that you learn as you grow up: People aren't always going to agree with you. And that’s OK.
Instead, we get Trump’s comments over the weekend about NFL players, calling them ‘sons of bitches’ for kneeling during the anthem. Those just crushed me. Crushed me. Just think about what those players are protesting. They’re protesting excessive police violence and racial inequality. Those are really good things to fight against. And they’re doing it in a nonviolent way. Which is everything that Martin Luther King preached, right? A lot of American military members will tell you that the right to free speech is exactly what they fight for. And it’s just really, really upsetting that the leader of our country is calling for these players to be ‘fired.’
The hard part is knowing what to do now. Margot and I talked for a long time Saturday morning about what to say publicly. I’ve probably been as critical of Trump as anybody but maybe it’s time to take a different course. There’s no need to get into a war of words. It’s about trying to hang on to the values that are important to us as an organization, a country, and, really, as human beings.
The fact is we live in an amazing country, but it’s a flawed one. I consider myself unbelievably lucky to live here, so please spare me the ‘If you don’t like it you can get out’ argument. I love living here. I love my country. I just think it’s important to recognize that we as a nation are far from perfect, and it’s our responsibility to try to make it better. And one of the ways to do that is to promote awareness and understanding and acceptance. Not just acceptance but embracing our diversity, which when you get down to it is not only who we are but truly what makes us great. And it’s not happening.
Remember, the president works for us, not vice versa. We elected him. He doesn’t just work for his constituents and his base. He works for every citizen. Once you take that office, you have to do what’s best for the entire country. Sure, you’re going to have policies that align with your party, but that’s not the point. Respectfully, Mr. Trump, the point is this: You’re the president. You represent all of us. Don’t divide us.
Bring us together.
Steve Kerr

"Don't divide us. Bring us together." Steve Kerr explains how President Trump's divisive words led to the Warriors' decision to cancel their White Hou

2017年9月21日 星期四

Facebook to Turn Over Russia-Linked Ads to Congress

Facebook to Turn Over Russia-Linked Ads to Congress

  • Facebook said that it was submitting 3,000 ads to congressional committees investigating election interference.
  • The announcement came after the company spent two weeks on the defensive amid calls for greater transparency.

加利福尼亞州檢察長Xavier Becerra週三在聯邦法院起訴特朗普(Trump)政府,以阻止修建美墨邊境墻

加利福尼亞州檢察長Xavier Becerra週三在聯邦法院起訴特朗普(Trump)政府,以阻止修建美墨邊境墻以及在聖迭戈附近修建其他邊界柵欄。
美國司法部(U.S. Justice Department)週三表示,該部門將“有力地”捍衛特朗普更換邊境柵欄以及修建邊境墻的計劃。
美國司法部發言人Devin O'Malley稱,總統致力於保持美國的安全,實現這個目標的重要部分是保持邊境的安全;司法部期待著有力地維護總統採取該行動的固有權力。

2017年9月20日 星期三

America gives $700bn to the military – but says healthcare is a luxury

Guardian US 和 The Guardian 都分享了 1 條連結
On Monday, the Pentagon received even more money than it had asked for.…

(德国之声) "川普主義"在閃爍?"火箭人"激起千層浪:默克尔:"朝鲜问题上与特朗普有明确分歧"



在談到朝鮮當權者金正恩時,川普說,"這個火箭人(Rocket Man)正在執行自殺任務,摧毀他自己及其政權"。這位美國總統還威脅稱,如果美國不得不保衛自己及其盟友,就會選擇"徹底摧毀朝鮮"。
日、韓表支持 以色列很高興

A great and important day at the United Nations.Met with leaders of many nations who agree with much (or all) of what I stated in my speech!


  • 日期 20.09.2017
  • 作者 王凡 (綜合報導)

德国之声 20.09.2017 | 21:00 UTC

