2018年2月28日 星期三

‘Disgraceful’: Trump Attacks Sessions Over Wiretap Inquiry. Jared Kushner’s Security Clearance Downgraded

‘Disgraceful’: Trump Attacks Sessions Over Wiretap Inquiry

  • President Trump scolded Jeff Sessions, the attorney general, for suggesting that the Justice Department would look into claims of surveillance abuses.
  • The tweet was the latest example of Mr. Trump publicly criticizing Mr. Sessions and wading into Justice Department investigations.

Jared Kushner’s Security Clearance Downgraded
The president’s adviser and son-in-law lost his top-secret clearance, a White House official and another person familiar with Mr. Kushner’s situation said.

2018年2月21日 星期三

The right-wing sliming of Douglas High students can’t be ignored. It’s too disgusting for that.

"The trashing of these students — whose determination and passion are nothing but admirable — removes a rock to reveal several varieties of maggots," Margaret Sullivan writes.
Teens who have seen their classmates murdered are being mocked in the wake of the Florida massacre.

Trump presidency is 'code red' level threat to US democracy, says Thomas Friedman

Trump presidency is 'code red' level threat to US democracy, says ...

www.independent.co.uk › News › World › Americas › US politics
18 hours ago - One of the most-read newspaper columnists in America has said President Donald Trump's presidency “is code red”. Thomas Friedman of the New York Times wrote that “the biggest threat to the integrity of our democracy today is in the Oval Office”. The column discussed the influence of Russia on US ...

Why Thomas Friedman issued a 'code red' warning to America - Feb ...

17 hours ago - The New York Times op-ed columnist is best known for his sober columns about foreign policy and technology. ... "Our democracy is in serious danger," he wrote in the opening line. ... Friedman's column lit up on social media when it was posted on NYTimes.com on Sunday night.

2018年2月17日 星期六

'We got to see Trump’s idea of a respectful, post-school-shooting thumbs up' "How come, Marco Rubio?" the third billboard reads. "Shame on you" Marco Rubio & (NRA - National Rifle Association of America)

'We got to see Trump’s idea of a respectful, post-school-shooting thumbs up'
A plane flies over Miami Beach with a banner saying "Shame on you" Marco Rubio & (NRA - National Rifle Association of America). The senator and the gun rights organization have been criticized in the wake of the mass shooting at a Florida high school. http://cnn.it/2ohRrD4
Credit: Ellen Bowen / Instagram


"How come, Marco Rubio?" the third billboard reads

Donald Trump, a Playboy Model, and a System for Concealing Infidelity

Vanity Fair 和 The New Yorker 都分享了 1 條連結

One woman’s account of clandestine meetings, financial transactions, and legal pacts designed to hide an extramarital affair. (Via The New Yorker)

Karen McDougal's story provides a detailed look at how Donald Trump and his allies used clandestine hotel-room meetings, payoffs, and complex legal agreements to keep affairs—sometimes multiple affairs he carried out simultaneously—out of the press.

2018年2月16日 星期五

前第一夫人被看扁 米雪兒揭膚色歧視「框死敵人」 川普對付通俄調查 師法柯林頓白水案?2017-07-23 世界日報 編譯彭淮棟



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前第一夫人被看扁 米雪兒揭膚色歧視

2017-07-27 15:22世界日報 編譯彭淮棟/綜合26日電
將近十年,這位美國第一位黑膚第一夫人隱忍她的膚色帶來的直接間接話中刺,她被指「可憎」,不夠上流,至少不如她之前的白人前輩上流。華盛頓州一名市長說她有一張猩猩臉,福斯新聞直指她是歐巴馬的baby mama(代理孕母、子女非其丈夫親生的媽媽),連她做伏地挺身、穿短褲都遭受指摘。
去年11月,川普勝選後,西維吉尼亞州一個小鎮的非營利組織主管潘美拉‧泰勒(Pamela Taylor)在臉書貼文,談她對梅蘭妮亞‧川普(Melania Trump)取代米雪兒為第一夫人的想法,貼文說:「白宮再度有個上流、美麗、有尊嚴的第一夫人,將會令人耳目一新。我看厭了穿高跟鞋的人猿。」

「框死敵人」 川普對付通俄調查 師法柯林頓白水案?

2017-07-23 14:26世界日報 編譯彭淮棟/ 綜合22日電
回顧柯林頓與前總統比爾‧柯林頓(Bill Clinton)1990年代進入白宮,面對白水案(Whitewater)與莫妮卡‧陸文斯基(Monica S. Lewinsky)性醜聞案調查時採取的對策,與身陷通俄門調查的川普遭遇十分相似。
川普的顧問群研究過柯林頓夫婦見縫插針、無所不為來對付史達影響調查進程的手法,私下佩服他們深諳布局制敵之道。共和黨資深策士邦尚(Ron Bonjean)說,「關鍵在謀攻,框死敵人,川普正是此中高手,柯林頓夫婦當年就是這麼做」。
川普似乎未納此見,因為川普律師團發言人柯拉洛(Mark Corallo)不願參與抹黑穆勒,近日求去。
川普凡事自喜得計,但有些共和黨人認為,攻擊穆勒可謂過早,也屬不智,比爾‧柯林頓當年百般施展,但彈劾案照樣被送進參院就是明證。共和黨另一策士賈倫(Rich Galen)說,「那就是個教訓,有些事最好別做。」

Special counsel charges 13 Russians with interfering in 2016 election

BREAKING: Special counsel Robert Mueller issues indictment against 13 Russian nationals over 2016 US election interference

Robert Reich
Today, a grand jury impaneled by special counsel Robert Mueller indicted 13 Russian nationals on charges of seeking to interfere in the U.S. election, with the “strategic goal” of sowing “discord in the U.S. political system.” By mid-2016 their operations were focused on “supporting” Trump’s campaign, and “disparaging” Hillary Clinton’s.
Last Tuesday, all four of America’s top intelligence officials – and all appointed by Trump – told Congress that not only did Russia interfere in the 2016 election, but it is already meddling in the 2018 election by using a digital strategy to exacerbate the country’s political and social divisions.
Yet Trump continues to refuse to even acknowledge the Russian role. The four intelligence chiefs testified that Trump has never asked them to take measures to combat Russian interference and protect democratic processes. Trump also continues to ignore a law Congress adopted overwhelmingly to impose sanctions for election meddling and aggression against Ukraine.
Why is Trump doing nothing about Russia? Is he signaling to Putin that it’s okay to meddle in the upcoming 2018 midterms?
What do you think?

Special counsel charges 13 Russians with interfering in 2016 election
A federal grand jury on Friday indicted 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities on charges related to interfering in the 2016 election.