Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement Wednesday, giving President Donald Trump the chance to cement conservative control of the high court. The 81-year-old Kennedy said in a statement he is stepping down after more than 30 years on the court. A Republican appointee, ...
美國最高法院大法官Anthony M. Kennedy周三宣布退休,這給總統特朗普帶來了重塑最高法院的歷史性機遇。Kennedy是該法院最重要的當代法官之一,也是對同性戀權利、死刑和競選資金做出里程碑式裁決的法官之一。現年81歲的Kennedy是一位特立獨行的保守派人士,他在任期內的大部分時間都處於最高法院的意識形態中心,在熱點問題上,最高法院分為自由派和保守派兩大陣營。Kennedy的司法傾向常常使他在兩方面都發揮作用,這令其成為許多最重要裁決的關鍵人物。大法官Kennedy的離開給特朗普帶來了讓最高法院轉向更為保守的方向的機會,這一影響可能會持續數十年。
"Sarah Sanders, the White House press secretary, Sanders invoked the Bible to defend the Trump administration’s immigration policy of separating mothers from their children."
Inspiring view ... Turner's mythological landscape of 1834, The Golden Bough. Reproduction courtesy of Tate Britain n fact...
"I would cite you to the Apostle Paul and his clear and wise command in Romans 13, to obey the laws of the government because God has ordained them for the purpose of order."
On paper, there is nothing President Trump extracted from North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, in their summit meeting that Mr. Kim’s father and grandfather had not promised.
But Mr. Trump is depending on his deal-making skills and the “terrific relationship” he said he developed with the dictator, our reporter writes in an analysis.
Takeaway A key fact, point, or idea to be remembered, typically one emerging from a discussion or meeting: the main takeaway for me is that we need to continue to communicate all the things we’re doing for our customers[AS MODIFIER]:the takeaway message