...The Constitution they designed included provisions and mechanisms meant to water down the popular will and block a more equal distribution of wealth. The president would be selected not by the people but by an Electoral College whose members would be appointed by the state legislatures. The Senate, with equal votes for every state, large and small, would ensure that citizens of large, populous states had far less influence over legislation and judicial appointments than those in smaller ones. Alexander Hamilton wanted its members to serve lifetime terms, for “nothing but a permanent body can check the imprudence of democracy.” Though he opposed giving each state equal votes, James Madison thought the upper house should serve “as a check on the democracy,” a way to impede the influence of those who “labor under all the hardships of life, and secretly sigh for a more equal distribution of its blessings.”...
他們設計的《憲法》包括旨在削弱民眾意願並阻止財富更平等分配的規定和機制。 總統不是由人民選出的,而是由選舉學院??選出的,其成員將由州議會任命。 參議院在大小國家中的每個州都有同等的選票,將確保人口眾多的州的公民對立法和司法任命的影響遠小於規模較小的國家。 亞歷山大·漢密爾頓(Alexander Hamilton)希望其成員能夠終生服役,因為“只有一個常設機構才能製止民主的輕率”。 儘管詹姆斯·麥迪遜(James Madison)反對給每個州以相等的票數,但他認為上議院應??“作為對民主的一種制衡”,以阻止那些“在所有生活艱辛中辛苦勞動,並暗中嘆息”的人的影響。 平等分配祝福。”