2020年8月20日 星期四

班農對指控不認罪 以500萬美元保釋金獲釋 Steve Bannon, Trump’s former senior advisor, and three others were arrested and charged with wire fraud and money laundering

Steve Bannon is now the sixth former Trump campaign adviser to have been charged with or convicted of a serious crime since the president’s election

川普前高級顧問班農週四被捕並被控犯有欺詐罪,聯邦檢察官稱,這是一個從一場眾籌活動中捲走數千萬美元的陰謀,該活動旨在幫助實現川普的一個標誌性競選承諾:在美國南部邊境修建一堵牆。「我們建牆」(We Build the Wall)活動與川普無關,而是由幾個與其關係密切的人推動的。提起此案的紐約南區檢察官稱,該活動籌集了逾2,500萬美元。

【涉欺詐洗錢】班農對指控不認罪 以500萬美元保釋金獲釋
前白宮首席戰略顧問班農(Stephen Bannon,見圖)週四被控涉嫌在美墨邊境圍牆建設的網絡籌款中共謀欺詐和洗錢。當天在長島海灣的一艘遊艇上被捕後,班農在曼哈頓下城的法庭上出庭,他不承認指控。美國聯邦檢察官和班農的律師就500萬美元保釋金達成協議。

曼哈頓檢察官Audrey Strauss稱,班農和其他三名被告發起“We Build The Wall”網上捐款,“利用捐款者有興趣資助邊界牆籌資,欺騙了成千上萬的捐助者,假裝所有這些錢都將用於建築” 。

BREAKING: Federal prosecutors charge Steve Bannon,
President Donald J. Trump's former campaign adviser, and three others with defrauding donors of hundreds of thousands of dollars in a border wall fundraising campaign.

Steve Bannon, Trump’s former senior advisor, was arrested and charged with wire fraud and money laundering today. Bannon was arrested along with three other men for their involvement with an online crowdfunding campaign, “We Build the Wall,” that solicited donations to privately build Trump’s border wall. The group raised over $25 million, promising that “100% of the funds raised…will be used in the execution of our mission and purpose.” But in actuality, Bannon funneled over $1 million of the donations through a nonprofit he controlled to secretly pay the founder of the group and cover hundreds of thousands of dollars in Bannon’s personal expenses.

You can now add Steve Bannon to the list of Trump associates and former campaign officials who have been indicted or convicted since he took office, in addition to Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, George Papadapolous, Michael Cohen, and Roger Stone. Remember when Trump claimed that he would surround himself with “only with the best and most serious people”? Far from that, Trump is surrounding himself with grifters and criminals while running his administration like a mob boss. This laundry list of convictions and guilty pleas should serve as a warning to those who still pledge their loyalty to Trump rather than to America: when you serve a man who operates with lies, deceit, and corruption, he will bring you down to his level.

