Big Ukraine war lesson: There’s only one superpower
The effort against Russia has illustrated what a world without American power would look like — and what it looks like when America uses its unmatched power well.
Big Ukraine war lesson: There’s only one superpower
The effort against Russia has illustrated what a world without American power would look like — and what it looks like when America uses its unmatched power well.
The security of Europe is being fought over in Ukrainian trenches. Any country on the continent declaring itself neutral about the outcome is announcing that its own safety is of scant concern. Read why:
荷蘭總理呂特(Mark Rutte)本週拜訪美國白宮,除了向美國總統拜登表示荷蘭跟美國和德國一樣,會提供愛國者(Patriot)飛彈給烏克蘭,也表示蘭已決定加碼25億歐元(約新台幣830億元)來支持烏克蘭。拜登則感謝荷蘭堅定地支持烏克蘭。同屬於北大西洋公約(NATO)一份子的美國與荷蘭領導人,之所以在此刻見面,不僅是因為他們即將共同舉辦第二屆民主峰會,也討論兩國如何加強彼此的安全供應鍊和關鍵技術,好促進國家安全和經濟繁榮。
The Biden administration is considering the argument that Kyiv needs the power to strike at the Ukrainian peninsula annexed by Russia in 2014.
Emerging from coronavirus lockdown to a world changed by the war in Ukraine, China sought to convey reassurance about its economic health.
賽萬提斯(Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra)
俄羅斯傭兵給莫斯科的壓力.......Recent reverses near Bakhmut appear to have strained the relationship between the Wagner mercenary group and Russia’s military hierarchy. Officials in Moscow are worried about the rising star of its leader, Yevgeny Prigozhin:
The stockpile provides arms to the U.S. for Middle East conflicts. Israel had initially expressed concerns the move could damage relations with Russia.
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本週末,德國第二個液化天然氣碼頭落成。嚴冬已至,德國的天然氣庫存仍有九成滿。負責部門稱,甚至下一個冬季,德國也無需再為燃氣不足而發愁,但這仍有前提條件。 |