2021年1月10日 星期日

Bans on Parler and Trump Show Big Tech’s Power Over Web Conversation

 繼 Twitter 早前永久終止美國總統特朗普的帳號,Facebook、Instagram 及 Snapchat 等社交媒體都先後封鎖其帳戶,Reddit 亦關閉了一個特朗普支持者的討論版。特朗普長子唐納德( Donald Trump Jr.)在 Twitter 發文表示,伊朗等極權領袖都仍能使用 Twitter,而特朗普帳號卻遭永久終止,指言論自由正遭受打擊,網絡審查前所未有地發生,形容事件令「Mao」(毛澤東)引以為傲。

With an internet ecosystem dominated by a few big players, the app has little chance of survival without access to these mainstream channels.
Condemning the Capitol Hill riot, President George W. Bush and Senator Marco Rubio likened it to political upheavals in “Banana Republics” and the “third world.” But Lucia Dammert, a Wilson Center Global Fellow and Professor at the University of Santiago of Chile objects to the comparison to the Global South -- adding that the U.S. has played a key role in sparking the turbulence, especially in Latin America. NewsHour Weekend’s Ivette Feliciano reports.

