- A May 2016 Los Angeles Review of Books (LARB) article tried to understand Christian support for Trump. The troubling answer: Apocalyptic Theology.
Apocalypse :默示錄;啟示錄(基):新約中的最後一卷,為若望宗徒所撰寫;完成于紀元後一百年,多以象徵方式啟示天主子民將來之得救。英文又稱 Book of Revelation 。
apocalyptic :默示:指猶太宗教和早期基督宗教,以文學類型所表達的一種未來觀。
Apocalypticism is the religious belief that there will be an apocalypse, a term which originally referred to a revelation of God's will, but now usually refers to the belief that the world will come to an end very soon, even within one's own lifetime. This belief is usually accompanied by the idea that civilization will soon come to a tumultuous end due to some sort of catastrophic global event.
Apocalypticism is often conjoined with esoteric knowledge that will likely be revealed in a major confrontation between good and evil forces, destined to change the course of history. Apocalypses can be viewed as good, evil, ambiguous or neutral, depending on the particular religion or belief system promoting them. They can appear as a personal or group tendency, an outlook or a perceptual frame of reference, or merely as expressions in a speaker's rhetorical style.
啟示文學(英文:Apocalyptic),可指一個神學運動,或是該運動的代表性文體。這種特別的現象不是一種群體本身,而是在許多不同群體裡出現的特別觀點。它產生出大量引人入勝的文學作品,有的存留至今。他們相信世上的邪惡日亦增多、時代的終結趨近,並且神將會決定性的介入,以展開新的時代。猶太教與基督教皆有啟示文學,它的獨特性可見於《聖經》舊約裡的但以理書、撒迦利亞書、以西結書、以賽亞書、約珥書,以及《聖經》新約裡的馬太福音和啟示錄。[1] 《聖經》先知或其作者透過特殊的異象或異夢,偶然看到天上的事、超自然的景象,甚至被提到天庭,神藉此向他們揭示將來,尤其是關於末世的隱藏之奧秘信息。[2] 聖經啟示文學通常是要安慰正在受苦或受欺壓、逼迫的神之子民,使人類明白神將是歷史的終結,其地上的國亦在神的掌管下,終有一天神的國會取代。使處於絕望中的人略見未來,得以相信神是永恆、今世與來世的盼望
- His advisers said he was also selecting a conservative nominee for the Supreme Court vacancy.
他們在墮胎、同性戀.....議題上反民主黨的開放、容忍。其首領都視Trump 為先知、英雄。
More than 80% of white evangelical and born-again Christians voted for Donald J. Trump, according to exit polls.
evangelical (OPINIONS)
having very strong beliefs and often trying to persuade other people to have the same beliefs:
Why is it that people who've given up smoking become so evangelical and intolerant of other smokers?
verb [I] 原 ━ v. 福音を伝える, 伝道する.
to talk about how good you think something is:
I wish she would stop evangelizing about the virtues of free market economics.