2016年11月11日 星期五

Oregonians submit ballot proposal to secede from U.S. ; "Yes California" campaign, Calexit, 加州獨立,鬧鬧而已,正足以說明這些"驕子"與美國隔閡

Two Portland residents have submitted a petition for a 2018 ballot initiative to have Oregon secede from the union and form its own country with any other states that want to join.
Lawyer Jennifer Rollins and writer Christian Trejbal filed the Oregon…

"Yes California" campaign, Calexit, 加州獨立,鬧鬧而已,正足以說明這些"驕子"與美國民眾之隔閡深。

The "Yes California" campaign is backing an inde pendence referendum in support of #Calexit - a constitutional exit of the state from the US

儘管特朗普(Donald Trump)在發表 勝選宣言 時,強調要成為「全美國人的總統」,但他在實質得票少於希拉莉(Hillary Clinton)的情況之下、憑選舉人票制度勝選,隨即引起美國多場 「反特朗普」示威…

