2016年11月17日 星期四

民主就是要持續與金權鬥爭。Government watchdogs demand Trump put business holdings in 'blind trust'

blind trust
  1. a trust independently administering the private business interests of a person in public office to prevent conflict of interest.

In the news
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Trump has vowed in the past to put his holdings in a 'blind trust' controlled by his children.
More news for blind trust

Blind trust - Wikipedia 介紹此套"不知道信託"辦法,在美國成功避免政治人物的

Blind trusts are generally used when a trust creator (sometimes called a settlor, trustor, grantor, or donor) wishes to keep the beneficiary unaware of the specific assets in the trust, such as to avoid conflict of interest between the beneficiary and the investments.

Robert Reich
Several of you are appropriately horrified by the amount of money now being spent by big corporations, Wall Street, and super-wealthy to corrupt our democracy. And by the record-shattering share of economic gains now going to big corporations, Wall Street, and super wealthy. The two phenomena are of course related.
All this can make you so cynical you're ready to give up. The moneyed interests would prefer you do. That way, they can get it all.
The alternative is to be more committed than ever to fighting to regain our democracy and take back our economy. If you choose to fight, it will be a long slog. (For many of you, it's already been.) There's no easy formula, no messiah-like candidate, no magic bullet. It requires hard political work at the grass roots of your community, state, and the nation. It means knowing the truth and spreading it. Standing up to the bullies. Working with and through many others. And Never, ever giving up.
I write this daily post in the hope you'll choose the latter.

