2017年4月26日 星期三

Sanctuary Cities Case Wins Major Victory in Court

A federal judge in California temporarily blocked the Trump administration from denying funding to sanctuary cities, a victory for Yale Law School clinic students who worked around the clock to aid the City Attorney of San Francisco's Office in filing the “case of a lifetime.”


2017年4月19日 星期三

Bill O'Reilly(The O'Reilly Factor)

美國《福斯新聞網》的王牌主播歐萊利涉嫌性騷擾的醜聞延燒數周,數十個廣告金主撤資抵制,歐萊利從搖錢樹一夕變成燙手山芋,母公司「21世紀福斯公司」19日忽然宣布,他將不再回到《福斯新聞網》的主播台,震驚美國電視圈。歐萊利目前正在義大利度假,他曾是該台的收視保證,叱吒電視圈,如今卻因為不光彩的原因忽被踢出服務21年的老東家,黯然離開螢光幕。 歐萊利(Bill O'Reilly)本月1日遭《紐約時報》(New York Times)踢爆,過去15年間,他陸續騷擾5名女同事或節目嘉賓,他與福斯公司共付了1300萬美元(約新台幣4億元)的和解費。這件醜聞延燒數周,近50個廣告金主紛紛從歐萊利主持的熱門政論節目《歐萊利實情》(The O'Reilly Factor)撤資。「21世紀福斯」(21st Century Fox)董事長、媒體大亨梅鐸(Rubert Murdoch)為求止血,19日下午無預警宣布解僱歐萊利:「本公司周密與審慎地調查那些(性騷擾)指控後,與歐萊利達成共識,他將不會回到《福斯新聞網》(Fox News
Bill O'Reilly has been the top-rated host in cable news, serving up defiant commentary with a message that celebrated patriotism and expressed scorn for political correctness.
Bill O'Reilly Is Forced Out at Fox News


The exposure of multiple settlements involving sexual harassment allegations against Mr. O'Reilly brought an abrupt end to his two-decade career at Fox.

Robert Reich

A growing number of major advertisers are pulling their commercials from “The O’Reilly Factor,” following a report that Fox News host Bill O'Reilly paid $13 million to five women in settlements over allegations of sexual harassment.

As of Tuesday evening, 20 companies had pulled their ads from the Fox primetime cable program, including Mercedes-Benz, Hyundai, BMW of North America, Mitsubishi Motors, Lexus, Constant Contact, Bayer, Ainsworth Pet Nutrition, Orkin, UNTUCKit, All⋯⋯更多

20 companies pull ads from O'Reilly's show
are pulling their commercials from “The O’Reilly Factor,” following a report that Fox News host Bill O'Reilly paid $13 million to five women in settlements over allegations of sexual harassment.

Fox braces for fallout from Bill O'Reilly scandal

CNNMoney · 12 hours ago

Fox News waits for more women to come forward. Can Bill O'Reilly survive?

Philly.com · 2 hours ago

Bill O'Reilly Thrives at Fox News, Even as Harassment Settlements Add Up

New York Times · 2 days ago

Bill O'Reilly
Television host
William James "Bill" O'Reilly Jr. is an American television host, author, journalist, syndicated columnist, and political commentator. He is the host of the political commentary program The O'Reilly Factor on the Fox News Channel. Wikipedia

Born: September 10, 1949 (age 67 years), New York City, New York, United States

Height: 1.93 m

Spouse: Maureen E. McPhilmy (m. 1996–2011)

2017年4月17日 星期一








2017年4月12日 星期三

Read the letter the Charging Bull sculptor sent demanding the removal of Fearless Girl

It's a battle of two sculptures, and two ideals: "Charging Bull," a 7,100-pound symbol of brash financial optimism, and "Fearless Girl," a four-foot emblem of female empowerment.

The letter, which was sent through the sculptor’s attorneys, argues that the statue of the girl violates copyright and was placed there for commercial gain

觀點:美聯航事件背後的美國特權文化United Airlines Is Not Alone



Too many companies - not to mention the government - are treating all but the very wealthiest with contempt.



2017年4月10日 星期一

'The Most Dangerous Justice Department in Decades' .Sessions says Justice Department will end forensic science commission

Trump's threat to civil rights is worse than you think.

“We may be seeing the most dangerous Department of Justice that we have…

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said he is ending an Obama-era partnership with independent scientists that aimed to improve the reliability of forensic science, as longstanding concerns remain about the quality of such evidence in court cases.

The DOJ will not renew the National Commission on Forensic Science, a…

2017年4月8日 星期六

Neil Gorsuch

【張翠蘭╱綜合外電報導】美國參議院前天通過葛薩奇(Neil Gorsuch)出任最高法院大法官任命案,終結1年多的政治角力,並讓總統川普贏得重大勝利,也使最高法院重回保守派佔多數的局面。


美國最高法院由1名首席大法官和8名大法官組成,保守派大法官史卡利亞(Antonin Scalia)去年2月猝逝,導致保守派與自由派大法官各有4人。

葛薩奇 49歲

●經歷:曾擔任大法官甘迺迪(Anthony Kennedy)的書記官,在華府的律師事務所執業,現任美國聯邦第10巡迴上訴法院法官

2017年4月6日 星期四

Trump’s change of heart on Syria isn’t reassuring, it’s profoundly disturbing

"Whatever you think of the merits of western intervention in Syria, the idea of Donald J. Trump directing it is, frankly, terrifying."

The response to a horrific crime is too important to be dictated by the president’s vanity, as seems to be the case – and the consequences could…

“We have got a vacancy to fill. We just felt like this judge deserved an up-and-down vote,” says Sen. John Thune.

“We have got a vacancy to fill. We just felt like this judge deserved an up-and-down vote,” says Sen. John Thune.
Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., joins Judy Woodruff to discuss why he defends his party’s move to change Republican rules in order to pave the way for the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch and the potential for bipartisan cooperation for future legislative efforts, plus whether Congress is...

An up or down vote refers to a direct vote in the US House of Representatives or the US Senate (or indeed in a state senate) on an amendment bill. It is sometimes referred to as a "clean vote." Members vote yea or nay on the matter rather thanvoting on a related procedural maneuver.

Up or down vote - Wikipedia


2017年4月5日 星期三

Trump says may tie infrastructure with healthcare or tax reform: NY Times

U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he was considering packaging a $1 trillion infrastructure plan with either healthcare or tax reform legislation as an incentive to get support from lawmakers, especially Democrats.

Trump Picks Strategy To Counter Russia Storyline: Blame Susan Rice

Trump Picks Strategy To Counter Russia Storyline: Blame Susan Rice

It took a while to get going, but the White House has settled on its alternative narrative to potential connections between the Trump team and Russia's meddling in the U.S. election.

Jared Kushner, Steve Bannon, Lyft and Uber

Lyft pledges to fight Trump's immigration ban while Uber, whose CEO is on Trump's economic advisory board, is accused of trying to profit from it.

Users accuse Uber of undercutting taxi drivers who gave up lucrative fares…


多个美媒援引白宫消息,特朗普的首席战略顾问班农(Steve Bannon)已不再是国家安全委员会成员。做出这一决定的原因尚不清楚。

Bannon was elevated to the National Security Council’s principals…


The President’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and Steve Bannon have consolidated their influence.

The Presidential order that Trump signed barring all refugees and citizens from seven Muslim countries was reviewed by virtually no one.

Stephen Kevin "Steve" Bannon is the Chief Strategist and Senior Counselor to United States President Donald Trump. Prior to assuming those positions, Bannon was the chief executive officer of Trump's 2016 presidential campaign. Wikipedia
BornNovember 27, 1953 (age 63 years), Norfolk, Virginia, United States
OfficeCounselor to the President of the United States since 2017


President Trump has reorganized the National Security Council by elevating his chief strategist Steve Bannon and demoting the Director of National Intelligence and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.