2020年1月29日 星期三

GOP senators believe they have the votes to block witnessesI

Just yesterday, a new poll was released showing that 75 percent of Americans think that witnesses should be called in the Senate trial — including 75 percent of independents and almost half of Republicans. Today, Republican senators are set to block witnesses from appearing and acquit this lawless president by Friday without a fair trial.
So, let me get this straight: Trump’s former national security adviser said Trump did exactly what the first article of impeachment charges him with doing. And Trump’s defenders in the Senate don’t care.
This, my friends, is what the world’s greatest deliberative body has become.

2020年1月27日 星期一

New Trump revelations shake Washington

New Trump revelations shake Washington

Republicans are in disarray in the wake of details that emerged from a book written by President Trump’s former national security adviser John Bolton, a draft of which was provided to the White House for review on Dec. 30.
Some are angrily pressing the White House in private, saying they were blindsided by the account.
Mr. Bolton’s draft says that Mr. Trump wanted to continue freezing security aid to Ukraine until he got help with investigations into Democrats, an account that dovetails with a central aspect of the Democrats’ impeachment prosecution. Mr. Trump denied having told Mr. Bolton that.
The impeachment trial: President Trump’s legal team ignored the Bolton account entirely and doubled down on claims that Mr. Trump withheld aid to Ukraine only because he was concerned about corruption there.
Ken Starr, a key player in the Clinton prosecution who is now serving on the Trump defense, seemed to unite the left and right — in boredom, offering a thorough review of impeachment history and legal standards.
Analysis: Our chief White House correspondent writes that, in an alternate universe, this could have been the moment that changed everything. But in the current era, it’s too early to tell if it will matter.

2020年1月26日 星期日

President Donald Trump's crackdown on immigrants could make the situation worse for businesses

As the US birth rate is falling and a labor shortage is worsening, President Donald Trump's crackdown on immigrants could make the situation worse for businesses.
Read why: http://u.afp.com/34mt

2020年1月25日 星期六



Hardcover – 1981

The book contains photographs, diaries, letters and memorabilia of a Maine sea captain and his wife (Sumner and Alice Drinkwater). These cover the years of 1859-1908. It's a fascinating look into the life at sea for that time. This large book is amply illustrated with photos from the family plus drawings and clippings.


2020年1月21日 星期二

First Up npr daily

by Korva Coleman and Jill Hudson

First Up

The 2020 census officially starts in Toksook Bay, an Alaskan fishing village along the Bering Sea.
Claire Harbage/NPR

Here's what we're following today.

The 2020 census officially starts Tuesday in a remote Alaskan fishing village along the Bering Sea. Starting the count there when the ground is frozen, makes it easier to reach far-flung communities.

President Trump delivered opening remarks at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland Tuesday as lawmakers in Washington continue to battle over his impeachment trial. On Monday, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell laid out his plan for how the process will play out. Opening statements are expected on Wednesday.

A new NPR poll finds that a majority of Americans believe President Trump encourages election interference. Also, 41% of those surveyed said they believe the U.S. is not very prepared or not prepared at all to keep November's election safe and secure.

Angry residents of Puerto Rico took to the streets on Monday to protest the discovery of a government warehouse full of emergency supplies — some dating back to Hurricane Maria. Many Puerto Ricans say the supplies should have been distributed to the victims of this month’s earthquakes.

Amtrak has reversed course — at least partly — on its plan to charge two wheelchair users $25,000 for a short train ride that usually costs $16. Amtrak initially said the exorbitant charge was due to the cost of taking a train car out of service to make modifications for the riders’ power wheelchairs. 

Justice Dept. Investigating Years-Old Leaks and Appears Focused on Comey

Justice Dept. Investigating Years-Old Leaks and Appears Focused on Comey

An inquiry into years-old disclosures of classified information is highly unusual and leaves law enforcement officials open to accusations of politicizing their work.

2020年1月17日 星期五

As opioid epidemic grows, 2014

ABC News
As opioid epidemic grows, the company that makes a medication to block the effects of an overdose says it will give a free carton of the antidote to any U.S. high school.

Tightening the Lid on Pain Prescriptions

Experts say that doctors, despite the dangers, often keep patients on high-strength painkillers known as opioids for years without properly checking to see if their conditions improve.

這 類藥物直接作用於中樞神經,止痛效果快又好,但是副作用也不少,像是暈眩、呼吸抑制、腸胃活動抑制等,造成病患腹脹、便秘,還有成癮性的顧慮。所以僅建議 在急性期使用,也要盡量遵守「最短期間、最小劑量」的原則,隨時調整,以避免不必要的藥量。因此此類藥物不適宜規律給藥,一般以需要時給藥、或如前述由病 患自控式給藥,較為恰當。
鴉片類藥物(Opioid)是一類具有嗎啡作用的化學物質。它的主要用途是鎮痛。鴉片類藥物通過存在於中樞神經系統消化系統的鴉片類受體(Opioid receptor)起作用。這些鴉片類受體能引發有益的藥物作用或藥物不良反應

2020年1月16日 星期四

聚焦特朗普彈劾案;特朗普政府在扣留對烏援助的行動中違反了法律 --美國無黨派監督機構政府問責辦公室認為。

聚焦特朗普彈劾案:美國參議院週四正式啟動對特朗普總統的彈劾審判 ,聯邦最高法院首席大法官羅伯茨宣誓主持彈劾審判,參議員們則宣誓保證“公平公正”。參議院已向特朗普發出正式傳票,向其告知本次指控並要求其在周六晚間之前做出回應。
→ 相關新聞:美國無黨派監督機構政府問責辦公室認為,特朗普政府在扣留對烏援助的行動中違反了法律 。
• 烏克蘭總統澤倫斯基宣布, 該國正對特朗普總統的盟友進行刑事調查 ,此前有報導稱美國駐烏克蘭大使此前在基輔遭受監視。對於一直試圖避開彈劾調查這場爭鬥的烏克蘭政府來說,這是一次引人注目的反常舉動。當天,烏克蘭還宣布向美國聯邦調查局求助,要求其幫助調查烏克蘭天然氣公司 Burisma遭俄羅斯黑客入侵一事。

紐約時報、WSJ: 美中貿易休戰或創造一個更加危險的世界

HC按: 美中貿易協議,英文有的稱之為 Limited,有的稱之為 Initial。 中文說"第一階段"。

•新聞分析: 中美貿易協議是在彌合分歧,還是讓事情變得更糟?白宮表示,未來的交易將使中國成為更好的貿易夥伴,北京則聲稱可以預見到貿易戰將結束。但他們可能都錯了。 時報最新分析文章認為,中美之間的新協議並未觸及導致衝突最棘手的問題——北京對本土產業的補貼和其對經濟增長關鍵槓桿的牢固控制。而解決這些問題可能需要數年時間。
•觀點:特朗普得到了一紙協議,中國得到了勝利。康奈爾大學教授Eswar Prasad認為,協議將帶來一些重大變化,但美國經濟也會付出巨大代價。中國看似作出了一些讓步,但加強保護知識產權等反而會在未來使中國經濟更強大。 ( 閱讀本文中文版 )

序 言 



Nathaniel Taplin
猪肉价格2019年12月份同比飙涨97%。 图片来源:TPG/ZUMA PRESS
在經過兩年無數的深夜推文和連篇累牘的媒體報導之後,美中之間在 2018 年和 2019 年展開的貿易大戰即將告一段落。此次貿易戰宣稱要實現的部分目標得以實現,也有許多沒有實現。
去年針對中國的措施奏效就很好地說明了上述觀點。司爾亞司數據資訊有限公司(CEIC)的數據顯示,在截至 2019 年 11 月的 12 個月,美國對華貿易逆差同比減少了 560 億美元;但美國與世界其他國家的貿易逆差增加了 490 億美元,抵消了對華貿易逆差近 90%的降幅。美國總體商品貿易逆差隻下降了 70 億美元,而且很大程度上是受石油淨進口額下降的影響。美中貿易協議短期內的最大影響只是部分消除了貿易衝突本身引發的危害甚烈的不確定性。
週三,白宮,美國總統川普在與中國簽署貿易協定前發表講話,中國副總理劉鶴站在一側。圖片來源:EVAN VUCCI/ASSOCIATED PRESS
而且衝突遠未結束。就在兩國談判代表簽署協議之際,華盛頓方面正在考慮進一步限制向中國 5G 通信設備巨擘華為出售美國設備,並增加對美國 5G 研發的聯邦政府資助。隨著貿易糾紛的持續,這已導致兩國關係在更廣泛的領域出現惡化。
投資者習慣於認為中東是政治風險的真正熱點。在接下來的 10 年裡,亞洲似乎越來越有可能成為真正熱點。

2020年1月13日 星期一

Economists grapple with rising American mortality

Economists grapple with rising American mortality

Understanding “deaths of despair” will require fresh thinking
Finance and economicsJan 9th 2020 edition

Five years ago Anne Case and Angus Deaton of Princeton University introduced the world to the phenomenon of “deaths of despair”. A growing share of middle-aged white Americans, especially those without college degrees, are dying from suicide and drug and alcohol use. At first it seemed possible to hope that the troubling rise in death rates would reverse as the economy recovered from the financial crisis. Instead, mortality has risen further—a standing indictment of American society. Several books on the subject, and discussions at the meeting of the American Economic Association (aea) earlier this month in San Diego, do not quite provide an explanation. But they make significant contributions, while posing a substantial challenge to economics.
America’s mortality crisis actually predates the financial crisis: mortality rates for white Americans without a degree have been rising since at least the early 1990s. But it seems to be worsening. Life expectancy in America fell for three consecutive years between 2014 and 2017 (the most recent year for which data are available). That has not happened since the 1910s, when Americans were brought low by war and Spanish flu. Rising death rates are caused in large part by the opioid epidemic, which began with prescription painkillers and expanded to street drugs such as heroin and fentanyl. But suicide and alcohol-related mortality have also risen precipitously. Opioids, reckon Ms Case and Mr Deaton, were fuel on a fire already burning.