2020年1月21日 星期二

First Up npr daily

by Korva Coleman and Jill Hudson

First Up

The 2020 census officially starts in Toksook Bay, an Alaskan fishing village along the Bering Sea.
Claire Harbage/NPR

Here's what we're following today.

The 2020 census officially starts Tuesday in a remote Alaskan fishing village along the Bering Sea. Starting the count there when the ground is frozen, makes it easier to reach far-flung communities.

President Trump delivered opening remarks at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland Tuesday as lawmakers in Washington continue to battle over his impeachment trial. On Monday, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell laid out his plan for how the process will play out. Opening statements are expected on Wednesday.

A new NPR poll finds that a majority of Americans believe President Trump encourages election interference. Also, 41% of those surveyed said they believe the U.S. is not very prepared or not prepared at all to keep November's election safe and secure.

Angry residents of Puerto Rico took to the streets on Monday to protest the discovery of a government warehouse full of emergency supplies — some dating back to Hurricane Maria. Many Puerto Ricans say the supplies should have been distributed to the victims of this month’s earthquakes.

Amtrak has reversed course — at least partly — on its plan to charge two wheelchair users $25,000 for a short train ride that usually costs $16. Amtrak initially said the exorbitant charge was due to the cost of taking a train car out of service to make modifications for the riders’ power wheelchairs. 

