2019年8月26日 星期一

Trump is the not-so-happy trade warrior 川普G7表態:後悔沒對中國加征更高關稅

川叔:後悔?誰說我後悔了? !要後悔也是後悔沒加更多關稅! !

... But Mr. Trump appeared to soften, saying he has “second thoughts about everything.” White House officials said he meant he should have acted even more forcefully against China.

"As warning signs of an economic slowdown bubble up at home, President Donald Trump has amped up his trade war with China. And he's using a ... unique ... way to do so," writes CNN's Chris Cillizza | Analysis

2019年8月25日 星期日

美國國內與G7 成員對美中國的貿易戰的看法:民主黨逮到攻勢機會;特朗普否認中國的貿易戰導致七國集團的摩擦

Trade Turmoil Gives Democrats an Opening to Hit Trump on Economy
Democratic candidates have taken a calibrated approach to talking about the economy, but the trade war with China provides a potent new line of attack.

美國國內與G7 成員對美中國的貿易戰的看法:民主黨逮到攻勢機會;特朗普否認中國的貿易戰導致七國集團的摩擦


Trump denies China trade war causing friction at G7

Biarritz (France) (AFP) - President Donald Trump on Sunday denied that his trade war with China is causing friction at the G7 summit, but indicated he will hold off from a threatened further escalation for now.
"I think they respect the trade war. It has to happen," Trump told reporters in Biarritz, France, where he was meeting with other leaders of the G7 group.
Asked if the other leaders had criticized the massive trade struggle, he said "no, not at all. I haven't heard that".
In fact, European members of the G7, which includes Britain, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Japan and the United States, have repeatedly expressed concern over the trade war's threat to the wider global economy.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was the latest, telling Trump at a breakfast meeting Sunday that "we don't like tariffs on the whole".
"We are in favor of trade peace," he said.
Talks between Washington and Beijing on ending what Trump says is a massively unfair trade relationship have hit a brick wall.
On Friday, Trump responded to a new hike in Chinese tariffs on US goods by imposing heavy extra levies against a total of $550 billion in Chinese imports.
But Trump signalled Sunday what might be a slight softening in his position, admitting that he did have doubts about escalating the trade war.
"I have second thoughts about everything," he said.
He said he would hold off for now on declaring a national emergency to invoke an obscure law that he says gives him the power to order US companies out of China.
"I have the right to, if I want. I could declare a national emergency," he said. "I have no plan right now."
Trump first brandished the possibility of the drastic measure on Friday, when he tweeted that American companies "are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China."
Despite the more nuanced comments Sunday, Trump doubled down on the rationale for his high-risk strategy with China, saying "they steal and take out, and -- intellectual property theft, anywhere from $300 billion to $500 billion a year."

"We have a total loss of almost a trillion dollars a year," he said. "In many ways, that's an emergency."

比亞里茨(法國)(法新社) - 唐納德特朗普總統週日否認他與中國的貿易戰在七國集團首腦會議上造成摩擦,但表示他暫時不會受到進一步升級的威脅。











“如果我願意的話,我有權利。我可以宣布國家緊急狀態,”他說。 “我現在沒有計劃。”


儘管週日有更多細微的評論,但特朗普對他與中國的高風險戰略的理由進行了翻倍,他說:“他們偷竊和拿走,以及 - 知識產權盜竊,每年從3000億美元到5000億美元不等。”

“我們每年總損失近萬億美元,”他說。 “在很多方面,這是緊急情況。”

2019年8月24日 星期六

美中自食其果;美國總統對中國商務部; ˙˙ "川普命令美國企業撤離中國*,法律根據?Mr. Trump does, in fact, have the authority to pressure companies to pull out of China

Analysis: Experts say that Mr. Trump does, in fact, have the authority to pressure companies to pull out of China, but that doing so would be both destructive and impractical.



*法律根據?Trump 說根據1977年某法律..
Trump Asserts He Can Force U.S. Companies to Leave China
The president cited a national security law from 1977 that has never before been used to cut economic ties with a major power in a trade dispute.

【中国回应美国加征关税 称美“必将自食其果”】在美国宣布将提高对中国商品的关税后,中国星期六(8/24)对此作出强硬回应,称美国“必将自食其果”。中国商务部一名新闻发言人说,中国坚决反对约5500亿美元中国输美商品加征 #关税,并“强烈敦促美方不要误判形势,不要低估中国人民的决心”。 https://www.voachinese.com/a/5055351.html #美中#贸易战


2019年8月23日 星期五

The Koch brothers. Billionaire Republican donor David Koch dies

David Koch, along with his brother Charles, had a huge influence on US conservatives, with their push for small government and a free economy.

Robert Reich 分享了 Years of Living Dangerously 的影片
The Koch brothers and their vast network of conservative mega-donors use their economic power to wield political power. They're pumping millions into campaigns, lobbying, and think tanks. They've been particularly effective at blocking action on climate change that would hurt their fossil fuel interests.
David and Charles Koch the living exemplars of why we must get big money out of politics.
What do you think?

3,061,684 次觀看
Years of Living Dangerously
On last week’s episode of Boiling the Frog, we learned that 97% of climate scientists report that climate change is real and caused by human activity. So natura⋯⋯

2019年8月22日 星期四

Trump日報:Trump Goes Godly 特朗普自称「被选中的人」

1. 哈利波特
2. 安纳金(黑武士)
3. 川普
4. 耶稣基督

Trump Goes Godly Trump Goes Godly
The man in the White House thinks he’s a miracle.

Hanching Chung

以前某Fashion 業大亨,決定辦集團的日報。我看過前幾集,後來失聯,大師也已轟動地走入歷史。
現在最有能力辦日報的,非Trump 總統莫屬:如果有人利用網路如果有人利用網路肯定如果有人利用網路,肯定可編出日報。