2017年8月31日 星期四

Deep in Debt, the Kushners Hunted for Cash Across the Globe; Steve Bannon's war on Jared Kushner is about to go nuclear

Kushner Cos. fights to prop up its Manhattan tower.

Bloomberg Asia
New details have emerged about the family’s troubled finances and its overseas fundraising efforts.

Robert Reich
1 小時
The Kushner family business is feverishly trying to track down international investors to cover hundreds of millions of dollars in debt, and Jared's proximity to power has become a major selling point.
In May, it was reported that the Kushners were touting their connections to the Trump administration in pitches to Chinese investors. They even hyped a special visa program as part of the sale. It now appears that was only the tip of the iceberg.
As the family's real estate projects falter and debt piles up, Kushner has turned to foreign investors, who want to quickly offload money in the United States. Over the past two years the company has pursued investors in China, Israel, Qatar, South Korea, and France. Not surprisingly, foreign interest spiked shortly after Trump won the Republican nomination.
Now, Jared holds one of the most influential posts in Trump's White House, working on everything from tech policy to Middle East peace negotiations. Just when you think the conflicts of interest couldn't get any worse, the Trump administration always finds a way to trample ethics even further.
What do you think?

Vanity Fair
Steve Bannon's war on Jared Kushner is about to get dirty. And he wants Reince Priebus to tell the F.B.I. everything he knows about the firing of James Comey.

The war on Jared Kushner is about to go nuclear.

2017年8月30日 星期三

美國有史以來損失最大的自然災害; How Houston’s ‘Wild West’ growth may have contributed to devastating flooding 史上最大熱帶風暴哈維(Harvey)已迫使數萬"得州人"離開家園;頁巖油廠商挺得住嗎?




超強風暴肆虐得州 頁巖油廠商挺得住嗎?



在上周五哈維以颶風強度登陸前,位於得克薩斯州科珀斯克裡斯蒂附近的Eagle Ford頁巖油田的許多大型頁巖油生產商已關閉油氣井,初步估算日產量損失40萬-50萬桶。




It has diminished the land’s already-limited natural ability to absorb water while the city's drainage systems were not designed to handle massive storms.

2017年8月20日 星期日

basket of deplorables.What Confederate Monument Builders Were Thinking

What were the monument builders thinking? Let's ask them.

Southern leaders made it clear that statues were part of their early-20th-century effort "to establish white supremacy."

(譯按:希拉蕊·柯林頓說川普的支持者有一半「集卑劣者之大成」(basket of deplorables):「種族主義者、性別歧視者、仇外者、伊斯蘭恐懼症者」。)---
觀念座標   ※ 2017.08.21 觀點—《旁觀者》雜誌社論 ※


 .....After Clinton's loss, some journalists and political analysts questioned whether the speech played a role in the outcome of the election.

During campaign fundraisers in August, Clinton reportedly explained her divide and conquer approach to courting Republican voters by putting Trump supporters into two "baskets"—one being everyday Republicans which she would target, and the other being the "alt-right" crowd.[6] During an interview on Israel's Channel 2 on September 8, 2016, Clinton said "you can take Trump supporters and put them in two big baskets. There are what I would call the deplorables—you know, the racists and the haters, and the people who are drawn because they think somehow he's going to restore an America that no longer exists."[7]

2017年8月19日 星期六

Steve Bannon:Prepares His Enemies Listl:對Trump 不渝?His White House Run Comes to End. The US and China are engaged in an ‘economic war;in Limbo; 川普總統穿起"人家送的"軍裝 ‘cosplaying as a military man’ ....Trump’s Reality Test... 5 facts about crime in the U.S.

※ 2017.08.19 美國 ※
白宮週五下午確認:極具爭議的的川普首席策略師史蒂夫·巴農(Steve Bannon)已去職。根據最新報導,巴農將回到右翼《布萊巴特新聞網(Breitbart News)》任職,他曾是該媒體的總編輯。
巴農打電話給記者羅伯特·卡特納(Robert Kuttner),稱讚他最近在左派媒體《美國願景》(The American Prospect)上所發表的中國相關文章。
巴農告訴他:「我們在跟中國打經濟戰爭。他們自己的報章都這樣寫。他們對自己在做的事根本不隱瞞。未來 25 年到 30 年後,有一國會成為舉足輕重的大角色,如果我們繼續這條路,那麼肯定是他們拔頭籌。至於朝鮮,他們只不過是在唬弄我們,根本是分散我們注意力的伎倆。」
巴農表示,他不停地推動(白宮)對北京的貿易作法採取強硬立場,然而一直遇到阻力——包括財政部、國家經濟會議主席蓋瑞·孔恩(Gary Cohn)的反對。提到國務院的東亞與太平洋事務代理助國務卿,他很坦白地說:「我正要讓蘇珊·松頓(Susan Thronton)離開國務院。」
據說巴農對支持者表示,他沒打算讓它變成媒體的採訪內容。一個不願具名的同事告訴 Axios 網站:「既然史蒂夫喜歡偶爾破壞美國的國家安全,我要以他了解的術語警告他,這是第一級戒備程度的糟糕。」
Steve Bannon, Back on the Outside, Prepares His Enemies List


With his ouster from the White House, Stephen K. Bannon will head back to Breitbart News, where he plans to wage war on the enemies of his nativist vision.


“If there’s any confusion out there, let me clear it up: I’m leaving the White House and going to war for Trump against his opponents -- on capitol hill, in the media, and in corporate America."

These are his first public remarks since his ouster.

Bannon’s White House Run Comes to End

Steve Bannon 辭職


Embattled Chief Strategist Clashed With Other Advisers

  • President Trump had complained to advisers that he believed Stephen K. Bannon had been leaking information to reporters and was taking too much credit for the president’s successes.
  • Critics of Mr. Bannon, a right-wing nationalist, bore down after the violence in Charlottesville.

The US and China are engaged in an ‘economic war’ from which there will be only one winner, says White House strategist Steve Bannon.

Bannon in Limbo as Trump Faces Calls for Strategist’s Ouster

President Trump has been urged by Rupert Murdoch and others to fire Stephen K. Bannon, his top strategist, who already has been relegated to an internal exile, according to aides.


A pretty strange look for someone who got five military draft deferments during the Vietnam war.
Twitter comment suggests Trump is ‘cosplaying as a military man’ after…


多个美媒援引白宫消息,特朗普的首席战略顾问班农(Steve Bannon)已不再是国家安全委员会成员。做出这一决定的原因尚不清楚。

This morning’s Wall Street Journal delivered a blistering editorial against Trump strategists Steve Bannon and his protégé in the White House, Stephen Miller. (See below.) The Journal blames them for Trump’s “biggest mistakes of the first five weeks” -- the immigration executive order, constant flubs over Trump’s Russian ties, and the firing of General Michael Flynn. It also says Trump’s proposed tariffs will reduce trade and ultimately slow growth, and his overly severe immigration laws will ultimately cause a significant labor shortage and force companies to move elsewhere. The Journal urges the Trump administration to seek out bipartisanship and avoid Bannon-Miller’s strategies of polarization.
This is significant. The Journal editorial page reflects the views of Rupert Murdoch and the Republican business establishment. The fact they’re turning so publicly against Bannon gives Republicans in Congress a clear signal to abandon Trump’s xenophobia and extreme divisiveness. It's also a smackdown of Trump himself.
As I said yesterday when I commended George W. Bush for speaking out against Trump, I can't believe I'm giving a shoutout to the WSJ editorial page. But Trump has brought us so low that it's important to give credit where it's due.
What do you think?

President Trump’s reality test: Bannonism gets the headlines but can’t deliver votes in Congress, the Wall Street Journal writes in an editorial.

Donald J. Trump made crime-fighting an important focus of his campaign for president, and he cited it again during his inaugural address in January.
With the White House and Justice Department announcing steps to address violence in American communities, here are five facts about crime in the United States from the Pew Research Center. The takeaway, violent and property crime rates have both fallen in the long term, but the public still tends to believe that crime is up.