2017年8月20日 星期日

basket of deplorables.What Confederate Monument Builders Were Thinking

What were the monument builders thinking? Let's ask them.

Southern leaders made it clear that statues were part of their early-20th-century effort "to establish white supremacy."

(譯按:希拉蕊·柯林頓說川普的支持者有一半「集卑劣者之大成」(basket of deplorables):「種族主義者、性別歧視者、仇外者、伊斯蘭恐懼症者」。)---
觀念座標   ※ 2017.08.21 觀點—《旁觀者》雜誌社論 ※


 .....After Clinton's loss, some journalists and political analysts questioned whether the speech played a role in the outcome of the election.

During campaign fundraisers in August, Clinton reportedly explained her divide and conquer approach to courting Republican voters by putting Trump supporters into two "baskets"—one being everyday Republicans which she would target, and the other being the "alt-right" crowd.[6] During an interview on Israel's Channel 2 on September 8, 2016, Clinton said "you can take Trump supporters and put them in two big baskets. There are what I would call the deplorables—you know, the racists and the haters, and the people who are drawn because they think somehow he's going to restore an America that no longer exists."[7]

