2017年8月14日 星期一

a white supremacists rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday,Business Leaders Quit Federal Panel in a Rebuke to Trump. Trump, Bowing to Pressure, Rebukes White Supremacists

Business Leaders Quit Federal Panel in a Rebuke to Trump

The chief executives of Merck, Under Armour and Intel left the American Manufacturing Council after Mr. Trump equivocated in his initial remarks on this weekend’s violence.

Trump, Bowing to Pressure, Rebukes White Supremacists

  • After his initial response was widely criticized, President Trump gave in to calls that he personally denounce the white supremacists who incited violence on Saturday in Charlottesville, Va.
  • Yet even Mr. Trump’s allies worried that his measured remarks came too late to reverse the self-inflicted damage on his moral standing as president.

Transcript of Trump’s Remarks

Sessions, Emerging as a Forceful Voice, Condemns Violence

Energized Far Right Plots Its Next Moves

Some white supremacists and right-wing extremists were planning to attend future marches, and others were planning to run for office.

Police, Bracing for More Rallies, Have Few Options

Amateur Sleuths Aim to Identify Marchers, but Sometimes Misfire

Washington Post
"What do we do with a president who provides barely veiled cover for the darkest instincts of the human heart?" Michael J. Gerson writes in Opinion.

Charlottesville proved Trump incapable of one of the president’s primary jobs.

Robert Reich
What has Trump unleashed? Last night, hundreds of far-right demonstrators wielded torches as they marched on to the University of Virginia campus in Charlottesville chanting slogans like “You will not replace us” and “Blood and soil.” They then attacked a much smaller group of counter-protesters who had linked arms around a statue of Thomas Jefferson.
I lived through the Civil Rights movement and the anti-Vietnam War movement. They both split America. But at least they were based on ideals about justice and fairness. What’s motivating the current clashes?
What do you think?
JUST IN: President Donald J. Trump condemned the violence that broke out at a white supremacists rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday, saying: “No matter our color, creed, religion or political party, we are all Americans first.” http://cnn.it/2w0X8ul

