2017年7月30日 星期日

Scaramucci's glittering 10-day White House stint in full: Anthony Scaramucci, bye bye;美國國防部為什麼每年要花那麼多錢買"偉哥"呢?

Robert Reich
Anthony Scaramucci is out. It's tempting to view all of this as a reality TV show, entertaining but of no consequence. The real reality is more sobering. We have a president who has no idea what's going on, and a White House in total chaos. We have a foreign policy in utter disarray as Russia, North Korea, and ISIS continue to threaten America. A White House that can't govern poses a clear and present danger to our future.
What do you think?

Scaramucci was removed at the request of the new chief of staff, John F. Kelly.

The Guardian 都分享了 1 條連結

Trump’s communications director began his tenure with an air-kiss to the…
7月21日才風光走馬上任的白宮通訊聯絡主任史卡拉穆奇(Anthony Scaramucci)遭總統川普開除,美國《紐約時報》報導指,川普決定解除史卡拉穆奇的通訊聯絡主任職務。 ​白宮發言人珊德斯證實史卡拉穆奇被開除的消息,在聲明中表示史卡拉穆奇將辭去通訊聯絡主任一職,表示史卡拉穆奇認為最好讓幕僚長凱利能有全新的開始,建立屬於自己的團隊。史卡拉穆奇10天前才剛就任,位子都還沒坐暖即旋風式下台,將讓人事混亂的白宮更加混亂,他一上任就引發白宮發言人史派瑟閃辭,隨後幕僚長蒲博思(Reince Priebus)也遭川普開除。史卡拉穆奇日前左批幕僚長蒲博思、右打首席策士班農,尤其對蒲博思,粗口「垃圾話」盡出,痛批蒲博思是「他媽的妄想型精神分裂症。」《紐約時報》指史卡拉穆奇吹噓稱他直接向川普會報,而不是幕僚長凱利(John Kelly),而提出開除史卡拉穆奇要求的正是凱利,消息來源指凱利在周一晨間會議上清楚表明他才是掌權的人,認為史卡拉穆奇不夠自律。美國廣播公司(ABC)報導則指史卡拉穆奇已提交辭呈,目前尚不清楚,史卡拉穆奇是否會接任其他白宮的工作,還是就此離開白宮。(國際中心/綜合外電報導)






Jeff Sessions: This Time, It’s Personal:House Republicans Want to Go Back to Investigating Clinton

Vanity Fair
Republicans are still hung up on Hillary Clinton.
And they’re calling for a special counsel to do it.

The New Yorker
Donald J. Trump's taunting of Jeff Sessions exposes his belief that his appointees owe their loyalty to him, rather than to the nation’s Constitution.

Trump’s willful misunderstanding of the obligations of an Attorney General reflects a larger flaw in his Presidency and in his character.

2017年7月29日 星期六

Opinion | 'The president is a pyromaniac': the week Trump set fire to the White House: The White House is imploding. How Trump’s Insane Cyberbullying of Jeff Sessions Could Be His Undoing

'The president is a pyromaniac': the week Trump set fire to the White House
What went wrong? Take your pick: healthcare, transgender troops, the…

Vanity Fair

. “I think we are moving inexorably toward a constitutional crisis,” says one constitutional law scholar.
The president probably should have consulted the Constitution, or at least…

Washington Post
"This president appears incapable of allowing his presidency to be saved."

Majority of Americans support transgender military service - poll

EXCLUSIVE: A majority of Americans believe that transgender individuals should be allowed to serve in the military, according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll. http://reut.rs/2u5FdOv

A majority of Americans believe that transgender individuals should be…

Lonnie Alfred "Bo" Pilgrim (May 8, 1928 – July 21, 2017)

Chicken tycoon “Bo” Pilgrim believed in seizing opportunities rather than sticking to strategic plans. He lived in a chateau dubbed Cluckingham Palace.

Lonnie “Bo” Pilgrim was the co-founder of Pilgrim’s Pride, one of the world’s…

Lonnie Alfred "Bo" Pilgrim (May 8, 1928 – July 21, 2017) was the founder of Pilgrim's Pride, which at one time was the largest chicken producer in the United States.[citation needed] Pilgrim founded Pilgrim's Pride when he opened a feed store in 1946 in Pittsburg, Texas, with his older brother, Aubrey.
In 1989, when the Texas Senate had a debate on a bill to gut[clarification needed] state workers' compensation laws, Pilgrim handed out $10,000 US checks on the Senate floor. Pilgrim was a supporter of the bill, and also overwhelmingly contributed to the gubernatorial and presidential campaigns of George W. Bush.
In addition to his holdings in Pilgrim's Pride, he is also principal shareholder of NETEX Bancorporation, a bank holding company which operates Pilgrim Bank, a bank with branches in Pittsburg and nearby Mount Pleasant.[citation needed]
Pilgrim gave the maximum amount allowed by law to Jeb Bush's 2016 Presidential Campaign.[1] He was a frequent contributor to conservative politicians. For several consecutive years he would donate $25,000 to the NRCC. (

About - NRCC

The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is a political committee devoted to increasing the Republican majority in the U.S. House of ...)
Pilgrim died on July 21, 2017 in Pittsburg, Texas. He was 89 years old.[citation needed]


  1. Jump up^ "Federal Election Commission Home Page"fec.gov. Retrieved 2015-10-23.

Donald Trump’s presidency is courting self-destruction. As his authority weakens, Donald Trump is lashing out. Jeff Sessions is in peril; so is America. Trump Is Woody Allen Without the Humor. Trump's speech encouraging police to be 'rough,'

Donald Trump’s history of rule-breaking suggests he is indeed weighing a measure that would pitch his scandal-plagued presidency into its biggest crisis yet

What could happen if Donald Trump sacks his attorney-general

This week saw a divided White House clash with the Justice Department, the military and its own party in Congress.

President’s authority weakened as White House splits grow wider

Donald Trump has had a chaotic and self-destructive week – even by the dismal standards of this presidency.
(Picture by Getty)
The US leader’s behaviour draws criticism from friends and foes

Trump tells police not to worry about injuring suspects during arrests ...

9 hours ago - During a speech on Long Island on Friday, President Trump took a break from discussing gang violence and illegal immigration to give the law enforcement officers gathered for his remarks some advice on how to treat suspects. ... Trump’s remarks also drew a rebuke from the ...

Trump's speech encouraging police to be 'rough,' annotated - The ...

12 hours ago - Trump's speech was noteworthy, though, for its embrace of aggressive tactics by policeofficers. He insisted that his team was “rough” and ...

WSJ Opinion: Donald Trump’s inability—not his refusal, but his inability—to embrace the public and rhetorical role of the presidency consistently and constructively is weak, writes Peggy Noonan.

Half his tweets show utter weakness. They are plaintive, shrill little cries, usually just after dawn.

“I am pleased to inform you that I have just named General/Secretary John F Kelly as White House Chief of Staff," Trump tweeted.

“I am pleased to inform you that I have just named General/Secretary John F Kelly as White House Chief of Staff,” President Trump writes in Twitter post.