博爾頓稱 願意在特朗普彈劾審判中作證 。這名美國前國家安全顧問此前聽從了白宮的指示,未就彈劾調查進行合作。但他現在表示,如果被傳喚,願意出席參議院的審判。
During the present impeachment controversy, I have tried to meet my obligations both as a citizen and as former National Security Advisor. My colleague, Dr. Charles Kupperman, faced with a House committee subpoena on the one hand, and a Presidential directive not to testify on the other, sought final resolution of this Constitutional conflict from the Federal judiciary. After my counsel informed the House committee that I too would seek judicial resolution of these Constitutional issues, the committee chose not to subpoena me. Nevertheless, I publicly resolved to be guided by the outcome of Dr. Kupperman’s case.
But both the President and the House of Representatives opposed his effort on jurisdictional grounds, and each other on the merits. The House committee went so far as to withdraw its subpoena to Dr. Kupperman in a deliberate attempt to moot the case and deprive the court of jurisdiction. Judge Richard Leon, in a carefully reasoned opinion on December 30, held Dr. Kupperman’s case to be moot, and therefore did not reach the separation-of-powers issues.
The House has concluded its Constitutional responsibility by adopting Articles of Impeachment related to the Ukraine matter. It now falls to the Senate to fulfill its Constitutional obligation to try impeachments, and it does not appear possible that a final judicial resolution of the still-unanswered Constitutional questions can be obtained before the Senate acts.
Accordingly, since my testimony is once again at issue, I have had to resolve the serious competing issues as best I could, based on careful consideration and study. I have concluded that, if the Senate issues a subpoena for my testimony, I am prepared to testify.
For More Updates, Follow Ambassador John Bolton on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmbJohnBolton
2019/12/09 - But as much as historical legacy clearly matters to this president and all presidents, a flawed legacy was probably guaranteed for Trump long ago. As it stands now, the future negatives seem like a small price to pay compared ...
Bolton Puts Conditions on Syria Withdrawal, Suggesting a Delay of Months or Years
John R. Bolton, the national security adviser, said troops would remain until the Islamic State was completely defeated and Turkey guaranteed it would not strike Kurdish forces.
![]() | John R. Bolton (1948–) | April 9, 2018 | September 10, 2019 | 520 |
Kuohsun Shih
民主黨要求傳喚證人 波頓是關鍵
「基於我出席作證再次成為議題,經過仔細考量和了解,我盡可能解決此一嚴肅議題」,波頓(John Bolton)發布聲明稱,「我的決定是,倘若參院傳喚我作證,我準備好了」。參院民主黨領袖舒默(Chuck Schumer)2019年12月15日曾致函麥康奈爾(Mitch McConnell),表明希望參院審議彈劾案時,能夠傳喚至少4名證人,其中包括波頓。
The Associated Press
Former Trump national security adviser John Bolton says he would testify at a Senate impeachment trial if he is subpoenaed. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has resisted the idea of calling witnesses in a trial. http://apne.ws/yGOOqKz
Bolton willing to testify in impeachment trial if subpoenaed
WASHINGTON (AP) — Former White House national security adviser John Bolton said Monday that he is “prepared to testify” if he is subpoenaed by the Senate in its impeachment trial of President...
上午1:12 - 2020年1月7日
Twitter 廣告資訊與隱私
315 人正在談論此話題
波頓2019年9月10日突遭川普開革,而出席眾院聽證會的官員均指出,波頓強烈反對施壓烏克蘭,調查川普在2020年總統大選的可能對手拜登(Joe Biden),甚至形容此行為有如「毒品交易」。施壓烏克蘭行動是由川普私人律師朱利安尼(Rudy Giuliani)主導,藉由延後提供3億9100萬美元軍援,施壓烏克蘭協助調查拜登父子是否涉貪。
2019年9月10日,白宮國家安全顧問波頓(John Bolton)慘遭川普總統革職(AP)
前白宮國家安全顧問波頓(John Bolton)(AP)
想火速解決彈劾 共和黨無意傳喚證人
另外,曾任波頓副手的卡波曼(Charles Kupperman)先前被眾院情報委員會傳喚聽證,但川普指示不要理會。對此卡波曼2019年10月向法院提出訴訟,希望由法院化解此衝突要求,不過眾院情報委員會在華府聯邦法院開始審理前,就撤回傳喚卡波曼,而委員會與白宮也要求審理此案的法官李昂(Judge Richard Leon)駁回卡波曼的訟訴,李昂2019年12月30日同意
民主黨要求傳喚證人 波頓是關鍵
「基於我出席作證再次成為議題,經過仔細考量和了解,我盡可能解決此一嚴肅議題」,波頓(John Bolton)發布聲明稱,「我的決定是,倘若參院傳喚我作證,我準備好了」。參院民主黨領袖舒默(Chuck Schumer)2019年12月15日曾致函麥康奈爾(Mitch McConnell),表明希望參院審議彈劾案時,能夠傳喚至少4名證人,其中包括波頓。
The Associated Press
Former Trump national security adviser John Bolton says he would testify at a Senate impeachment trial if he is subpoenaed. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has resisted the idea of calling witnesses in a trial. http://apne.ws/yGOOqKz
Bolton willing to testify in impeachment trial if subpoenaed
WASHINGTON (AP) — Former White House national security adviser John Bolton said Monday that he is “prepared to testify” if he is subpoenaed by the Senate in its impeachment trial of President...
上午1:12 - 2020年1月7日
Twitter 廣告資訊與隱私
315 人正在談論此話題
波頓2019年9月10日突遭川普開革,而出席眾院聽證會的官員均指出,波頓強烈反對施壓烏克蘭,調查川普在2020年總統大選的可能對手拜登(Joe Biden),甚至形容此行為有如「毒品交易」。施壓烏克蘭行動是由川普私人律師朱利安尼(Rudy Giuliani)主導,藉由延後提供3億9100萬美元軍援,施壓烏克蘭協助調查拜登父子是否涉貪。
2019年9月10日,白宮國家安全顧問波頓(John Bolton)慘遭川普總統革職(AP)
前白宮國家安全顧問波頓(John Bolton)(AP)
想火速解決彈劾 共和黨無意傳喚證人
另外,曾任波頓副手的卡波曼(Charles Kupperman)先前被眾院情報委員會傳喚聽證,但川普指示不要理會。對此卡波曼2019年10月向法院提出訴訟,希望由法院化解此衝突要求,不過眾院情報委員會在華府聯邦法院開始審理前,就撤回傳喚卡波曼,而委員會與白宮也要求審理此案的法官李昂(Judge Richard Leon)駁回卡波曼的訟訴,李昂2019年12月30日同意