美國政府官員週三稱,美軍準備迅速從敘利亞撤軍, 標誌著美國在中東戰略的突然逆轉。三位美國官員稱, 撤軍計劃引起從白宮到國務院以及美軍的擔憂。 這一決定將對美國在中東的政策產生廣泛後果, 川普政府一直在試圖擊敗ISIS,控制伊朗的擴張野心, 並遏製俄羅斯在敘利亞的影響。
The withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria, which President Donald Trump on Wednesday announced he has begun, will have an impact on the battlefield and well beyond, with wide-ranging geopolitical ramifications. Trump declared that the troops have succeeded in their mission to defeat the Islamic ...
JUST IN: Putin agreed with Trump's assessment that ISIS had largely been defeated in Syria and said the US President was correct to withdraw troops
The real tragedy is not Trump’s flawed foreign policy vision, writes Eliot A. Cohen. It is that his is merely one mangled interpretation of what is rapidly emerging as a consensus on the left and the right: that the U.S. should accept a more modest role in world affairs.