2019年5月15日 星期三

The U.S. fight over abortion escalates. Abortion Is a Problem to Be Solved, Not a Moral Issue. 恐怖的美國最近某些州的墮胎法:Alabama 州; Georgia州

The U.S. fight over abortion escalates

Eyes are turning to the Supreme Court after the Southern state of Alabama approved a ban on almost all abortions, and it was signed into law by Gov. Kay Ivey, a Republican.
The measure threatens doctors with nearly a century in prison for terminating a pregnancy unless the woman’s life is in serious danger. There is no exception for cases of rape or incest.
What’s next: The law will go into effect in six months at the earliest, but lower courts will almost certainly block it.
Supreme Court: There is no guarantee that justices would hear a case involving the law, even though it was constructed to be a direct challenge to the court’s landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling, which guarantees a woman’s right to end her pregnancy.
Our top legal correspondent says the court’s conservative majority will have many simpler opportunities to chip away at abortion rights.
Big picture: Alabama is the seventh U.S. state to pass abortion restrictions this year.

Scientific American

Opinion: When women are educated about and have access to effective contraception, as well as legal and medically safe abortions, they initially use both strategies to prevent pregnancy and abortion rates decline.

The Alabama Legislature gave final approval to the nation's most restrictive abortion law in the country, a measure that makes performing abortion a felony at any stage of pregnancy with almost no exceptions.

美國阿拉巴馬州通過一項嚴厲的墮胎禁令 ,除女性面臨嚴重生命危險外,任何情況均不得墮胎,包括因被強姦或亂倫導致的懷孕。幫助墮胎的醫生可能會面臨長達99年的監禁。 (《 紐約時報 》)

Georgia has become the sixth state banning abortions after six weeks, with no scientific basis. (via WIRED)

