2019年6月1日 星期六

美國2018期中選舉投票人口統計圖 (世代別)

I find this encouraging: According to newly-available Census data, not only did voter turnout reach a modern high in 2018, but Generation Z, Millennials and Generation X accounted for a majority of voters -- while Baby Boomers and older generations were in the minority. This explains the progressive tilt of the 2018 midterms, because older voters tend to be more conservative (note I say "tend to be"). It also bodes well for 2020 –
 if the Democrats nominate someone who will motivate younger voters to turn out.
That's a big "if." Turnout is everything. Even if a majority of voters view the Democrat’s nominee favorably, that’s irrelevant unless they’re sufficiently motivated to vote. Which is why I worry about Joe Biden. His “centrism” could appeal to the majority, but would he motivate enough people to actually vote, especially younger people? What do you think?

