2020年5月14日 星期四

By June 6, the cumulative death toll in the U.S. will reach 110,000. 美國仍然沒有一個標準、集中、協調一致的計劃來帶應對疫情

Projections of deaths from COVID-19 vary wildly. How are we to make sense of the differences? One researcher has developed a model that compares and merges them all. And the resulting forecast is sobering: By June 6, the cumulative death toll in the U.S. will reach 110,000. (Listening time, 3:08 or read the story)

美國疫情“吹哨人”、前負責研發疫苗的聯邦機構負責人里克·布萊特警告稱,阻止“現代史上最黑暗的冬天”到來的時間已所剩無幾。他對國會表示 ,這場大流行病可能會“變得更糟,並延續下去”,並稱美國應對疾病的窗口正在關閉,而該國仍然沒有一個標準、集中、協調一致的計劃來帶應對疫情。

