2021年2月12日 星期五

民望 vs 彈劾:U.S. Scholar Perry Link(林培瑞)Who Advises Trump Says China Blocked His Visa Application. it’s possible Donald Trump could’ve been impeached a third time, for his response to COVID-19.


Bob Woodward.
Bob Woodward talks presidential accountability
The Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist tells a Law School forum that it’s possible Donald Trump could’ve been impeached a third time, for his response to COVID-19.

In a recent poll, Gallup found that 98% of Democrats and only 11% of Republicans approved of Mr Biden, a gulf of 87 points
sinoeurovoices.com/%e8%ab%8b%e7%9… 失效
Perry Link(林培瑞)教授關於中國自由派知識分子為什麼支持川普的文章。


U.S. Scholar Who Advises Trump Says China Blocked His Visa Application

Michael Pillsbury, who has advised President Trump on China, said he was not given a visa to attend a conference in Beijing, a first in decades of visiting the country.
Credit...Lexey Swall for The New York Times

