2018年9月1日 星期六

Poll: Trump disapproval rating up to 60 percent;可能會面臨彈劾 特朗普陣營的認罪與八項欺詐罪名成立

Poll: Trump disapproval rating up to 60 percent


Sixty percent of those polled in a new survey disapprove of President Donald Trump's job performance, a new high for the president in polling conducted by The Washington Post and ABC News.

The poll, released Friday and conducted just days after special counsel Robert Mueller delivered a one-two punch to the Trump administration in federal court, found a little more than one-third of Americans approve of Trump's job performance. The poll was conducted last week, when former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was found guilty on tax and bank fraud charges and Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to eight counts, including campaign-finance violations, in a Manhattan courtroom.

特朗普前競選主席Paul Manafort被認定八項欺詐罪名成立

Be on high alert for Trump to do the unthinkable.
Now that his campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, has been indicted for tax evasion and fraud, all of us must stand up and speak out for the rule of law -- and prevent any presidential pardon of Manafort or other Trump associates.
Trump has a history of politically motivated pardons. But abusing his pardoning power as a reward for loyalty on the Russia investigation would constitute a clear obstruction of justice.
We must send a clear message to Donald Trump that he is not above the law -- and the American people won’t let him abuse his power to avoid accountability.
Please join me in speaking out.


ADD YOUR NAME - No Pardon for Paul Manafort
We need to be ready for Trump to do the unthinkable. Now that his former campaign chair and longtime associate Paul Manafort has been found guilty ____, there’s no telling how President Trump -- who believes the rule of law doesn’t apply to him -- will retaliate. This is just the latest concrete...

Michael Cohen認罪:受特朗普指示付封口費

特朗普前律師Michael Cohen周二就八項刑事指控認罪,表示特朗普曾讓他向兩名聲稱與特朗普有染的女性支付封口費,防止她們的言論影響2016年總統大選。



在前競選主席被判罪名成立,以及前律師、中間人接受認罪協議後,特朗普總統在西弗吉尼亞的一場集會上(上圖)基本上避開了這一話題。第二天早晨,他密切關注了這些頭條,坐下來接受福克斯新聞(Fox News)的採訪,談論了有關情況,試圖再次抓住新聞周期。



在前竞选主席被判罪名成立,以及前律师、中间人接受认罪协议后,特朗普总统在西弗吉尼亚的一场集会上(上图)基本上避开了这一话。第二天早晨,他密切关注了这些头条,坐下来接受福克斯新闻(Fox News)的采访,谈论了有关情况,试图再次抓住新闻周期。

