2018年9月24日 星期一

Rosenstein Still Deputy Attorney General, For Now 。困境中的羅德·羅森斯坦

困境中的羅德·羅森斯坦 。 
這位司法部副部長將與特朗普總統於週四會面 ,討論關於他曾經說過要援引第25修正案,罷免特朗普職務的報導。
時報週五報導稱 ,羅森斯坦曾討論過秘密對總統進行錄音,並援引第25修正案。週末期間,羅森斯坦告訴一名白宮官員,他正在考慮辭職。週一,他與白宮幕僚長約翰·凱利(John Kelly,上圖)會面。
羅森斯坦負責監督特別檢察官的通俄案調查,他常常是特朗普對司法部的怒氣和不滿的發洩對象。他的離去可能會為總統將羅伯特·穆勒(Robert Mueller)免職鋪平道路。


Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein headed to the White House on Monday expecting to be fired following reports about his alleged proposal to secretly record the president. The White House said afterward that he still had his job and would meet with Trump on Thursday.


Rosenstein Still Deputy Attorney General, For Now

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein visited the White House, expecting to be fired, as talk swirled about his fate with the Justice Department. He will meet with President Trump on Thursday.

