2019年11月21日 星期四

美國嚴了;【前美国驻华大使芮效俭:《香港人权与民主法案》无力影响香港事态】。中國火了:耍嘴皮之外,又能怎樣?China fumes over U.S. rebuke: 'A powerful moment': Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act one step from becoming US law .China fumes over U.S. rebuke.

【前美国驻华大使芮效俭:《香港人权与民主法案》无力影响香港事态】前美国驻华大使芮效俭星期四在参加美中政策基金会在五月花饭店举办的年度晚宴前就 #香港问题 接受媒体采访时说,香港局势平息下来符合所有各方利益。针对美国国会通过的《香港人权与民主法案》,芮效俭说:“美国的这个法律对香港没有约束力。我认为国会的意图是好的。他们希望看到‘一国两制’得以维持并保持活力。我们必须认识到,目前真正的问题是中国大陆的干预,试图稳定局势。这会对‘一国两制’的安排造成非常严重的打击,这也不符合任何人的利益。因此我认为对国会通过这个法案做出过度反应是错误的。它真的无力影响香港的事态。“ https://www.voachinese.com/a/5177247.html


'A powerful moment': Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act one step from becoming US law | Hong Kong Free Press HKFP
US legislation aimed at protecting civil rights in Hong Kong and punishing those deemed responsible for suppressing freedoms has reached its final stage ahead of being enacted. After the US Senate passed the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act unanimously on Wednesday, the House of Representati...

China fumes over U.S. rebuke

Officials in Beijing are furious over a U.S. bill compelling the government to support Hong Kong protesters. Passed by Congress this week, it awaits President Trump’s signature.
The measure would require two things: sanctions on Chinese officials responsible for human rights abuses in the territory, and an annual review of Hong Kong’s special trade status with the U.S.
Mr. Trump promised in October to stay silent on the unrest in Hong Kong, but the bill offers leverage in securing a trade deal with China. This week, he said China wasn’t “stepping up” in trade talks, prompting China to affirm its focus on achieving progress toward a “Phase One” agreement.
Response: In an editorial, China’s state-owned People’s Daily described the bill as a “piece of waste paper” and a “serious provocation against the entire Chinese people.” Officials warned the country would take “strong counter-measures.”
Timing: The bill comes at a sensitive moment both for the trade talks and for Hong Kong. The territory is slowly stabilizing after weeks of escalating violence, but local elections this weekend — which may be canceled — could stir more unrest.

