2020年2月26日 星期三

The U.S. coronavirus response 美國國會議員目前對疫情的擔憂加劇,全美各地城市都在做新的準備。 a News Conference at the White House. Trump Plays Down Threat to U.S.

BREAKING: The U.S. identifies the first coronavirus case without ties to a known outbreak, a worrying sign that the illness is already circulating in the country.


Trump Names Pence to Lead Coronavirus Effort, but Plays Down Threat to U.S.
Several top health experts echoed President Trump’s optimism but also offered a more sober assessment of the risks to Americans.
He named Vice President Mike Pence to oversee efforts to prevent a widespread domestic outbreak and left the door open to travel restrictions beyond China.

Donald J. Trump
Low Ratings Fake News MSDNC (Comcast) & CNN are doing everything possible to make the Coronavirus look as bad as possible, including panicking markets, if possible. Likewise their incompetent Do Nothing Democrat comrades are all talk, no action. USA in great shape! I will be having a News Conference at the White House, on this subject, today at 6:00 P.M. CDC representatives, and others, will be there. Thank you!

"At a time like this, it would be a lot more reassuring to think that there were actual, you know, experts in charge of the government rather than ignorant ideologues chosen for their dedication to a supreme leader unconstrained by fact, logic or morality. Where’s the “deep state” when you need it most?" Max Boot writes in Opinions.

The Wuhan coronavirus lays bare all of Trump's pathologies.


Opinion | The U.S. coronavirus response shows the costs of having a ‘chaos president’

In a rambling press conference that displayed his utter lack of knowledge about public health, Trump announced that he has appointed Mike Pence to lead the administration’s task force for responding to the coronavirus outbreak. He praised Mike Pence’s previous experience handling public health issues, saying “he has a certain talent for this”.
As governor of Indiana, Mike Pence enabled the worst HIV outbreak in his state’s history and actively blocked a policy that would have contained the crisis. He slashed public health funding, which forced HIV testing centers to close, and then took nearly three months to allow a temporary needle exchange to stem the crisis. And now this man is in charge of handling an outbreak of global proportions.
Meanwhile, Trump continues to downplay the scale of the outbreak in direct contradiction to experts’ warnings, and Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar has refused to say that an eventual vaccine will be affordable to everyone. The sheer incompetence of this administration continues to shake me to my core.

