2017年1月18日 星期三

Martin Luther King Jr. 紀念日。'I Have A Dream' Speech, In Its Entirety


On this Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we take a moment to reflect on Dr. King's life, message and legacy by revisiting his celebrated "I Have A Dream Speech" in its entirety.

Americans across the U.S. are celebrating Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy with a day of service. We reflect on his life and message by revisiting his celebrated I Have a Dream speech in its entirety.

AIT馬丁路德金恩 Martin Luther King Jr. 紀念日公益募款

Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. was born 88 years ago today on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. He is pictured here at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in Washington D.C. in 1963. (Robert W. Kelley—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images) #LIFElegends #MartinLutherKingJr

美國在台協會 AIT
Many Americans celebrate Martin Luther King’s birthday by volunteering to serve their neighbors and communities. Citizens across the United States — including the first family — deliver meals, refurbish schools, and collect food and clothing for the needy. Here in Taiwan, members of the AIT community also donated their time yesterday in a volunteer activity. AIT community members spent time playing with children at Harmony Home. Here is a picture of two people from AIT holding a baby at Harmony Home.

美國在台協會 AIT 新增了 9 張相片
想要用更新奇有趣的方式來做公益募款嗎?AIT剛剛舉行了一個「壺鈴挑戰」,來為台灣的一家育幼院募款。AIT有六個官員挑戰連續十天做1,000下盪壺鈴的動作,加起來總共要盪鈴60,000下,這可不是開玩笑的任務!這六個官員歷經了肌肉痠痛和起水泡的痛苦才完成這次的挑戰;有人甚至把壺鈴帶去露營,才不會讓紀錄中斷。AIT的其他同仁都對他們的毅力非常感動,紛紛為這次的公益活動慷慨解囊,捐出許多物資給育幼院。在美國,每到馬丁路德金恩紀念日,大家都會捲起衣袖,為自己的社區擔任義工。為響應這個優良的傳統,AIT組織了一個團體到育幼院訪問,將AIT募集到的物資親自交給院方,其中包括:一台全新的投影機;樂高玩具,讓物理治療師能夠用這些玩具協助有學習障礙的小朋友;為這些小朋友僱用家教的費用;以及捐贈的玩具和其他品項。也許有朋友沒有看過壺鈴,我們特別為大家拍了照片. #MLKDay#KettlebellChallenge
Looking for a new way to raise money for a good cause? AIT just held a “K⋯⋯

