2019年10月30日 星期三

首名白宮現任官員"亞歷山大·文德曼"Alexander Vindman就總統彈劾調查作證。 Fox News and Republicans immediately launched disgusting attack.

週二,國家安全委員會首席烏克蘭專家亞歷山大·文德曼前往國會山作證 。他告訴調查人員,自己在7月25日的那通電話中親耳聽到特朗普呼籲烏克蘭總統調查拜登。
→針鋒相對 :特朗普總統在推特上指責文德曼是政治對手,試圖削弱他的可信度。而文德曼在作證的開篇詞中形容自己是一名“愛國者”,決心“促進和捍衛我們的國家,無關政黨或政治”。

My God. Just when you think Republicans and Fox News can’t sink any lower, they do. Alexander Vindman, a decorated Iraq War veteran who fled the Soviet Union with his family when he was three years old, is testifying today that he raised concerns about Trump’s phone call with Ukrainian president Zelensky to the top lawyer for the National Security Council. As soon as his opening statement was reported last night, Fox News and Republicans immediately launched disgusting attack⋯⋯

 眾議院將於週四 就彈劾調查正式投票 為調查程序及舉行公開聽證會確立明確規則,此舉將使彈劾調查進入一個更為公開的新階段。

