2019年10月27日 星期日

美國眾議員伊萊賈·E·卡明斯(Elijah E.Cummings)去世 “I’ve often said that our children are the living messages we send to a future we will never see. You, you, and you are our messages.”

Obama: 'You're not a sucker to have integrity and to treat others with respect'

Former President Obama praised the late Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) as a "kind" and "honorable" man who treated others well despite his position of power culminating as chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee. 
Obama was among several top Democrats to eulogize Cummings, who died Oct. 17 at the age of 68, at a funeral service in Baltimore.

"He was never complacent, for he knew that without clarity of purpose and a steadfast faith and a dogged determination demanded by our liberty, the promise of this nation could wither. Complacency, he knew, was not only corrosive for our collective lives, but for our individual lives," Obama said to applause.
"There's nothing weak about kindness and compassion. There's nothing weak about looking out for others. There's nothing weak about being honorable. You're not a sucker to have integrity and to treat others with respect," Obama said. Some observers saw Obama's comments as an implicit criticism of President Trump

Johns Hopkins University

the world.
“I’ve often said that our children are the living messages we send to a future we will never see. You, you, and you are our messages.”

美國眾議員伊萊賈·E·卡明斯(Elijah E.Cummings)去世,享年68歲。卡明斯是國會中最有權力的民主黨人之一,也是特朗普彈劾調查的關鍵人物。他曾表示特朗普阻止國會調查的努力“比水門事件還要糟糕”。 (《 紐約時報 》)

