2020年6月18日 星期四

Juneteenth 六月節 (155th)

反警察暴行和種族歧視抗議中, 美國如何度過六月節( Juneteenth ) ?傳統上,人們會在這天吃燒烤、放煙火、喝紅色飲料,對非裔美國人所流的鮮血表示敬意。對一些非裔美國人來說,今年的六月節不僅意味著傳統和紀念,更意味著繼續為平權進行艱難鬥爭。 為何六月節如此重要 ?時報專欄作者對此進行了解讀。

Juneteenth - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Juneteenth
Juneteenth is an unofficial American holiday and an official Texas state holiday, celebrated annually on the 19th of June in the United States to commemorate Union army general Gordon Granger's reading of federal orders in the city of ...
Also called‎: ‎Freedom Day, Jubilee Day, Cel-Li...
Observances‎: ‎Exploration and celebration of A...
Significance‎: ‎Emancipation of the last remaining ...
Observed by‎: ‎Residents of the United States, e...
Mascogos · ‎Emancipation Proclamation · ‎Gordon Granger · ‎Black Seminoles

